or other reference number is followed by the ap-
Operator/crew maintenance
plicable five-digit Federal supply code for manu-
O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Organizational maintenance
facturers in parentheses. Repair Parts quantities
F. . . . . . Direct support maintenance
included in the kits, sets and assemblies are
H . . . ..General support maintenance
shown in front of the repair part name.
D . . . Depot
d. Unit of Measure (U/M), Column 4. A 2-
(3) Recoverability code, indicates whether
character alphabetic abbreviation indicating the
unserviceable items should be returned for re-
amount or quantity of the item, upon which the
covery or salvage. Items not coded are nonre-
allowances are based, e. g., ft., ea., pr., etc.
coverable. Recoverability codes are:
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 5.
This column indicates the quantity of the item
Applied to repair parts, (assemblies and compo-
used in the assembly group. A "V" appearing in
nents) special tools and test equipment which
this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that
are considered economically reparable at direct
a definite quantity cannot be indicated.
and general support maintenance levels. When
the item is no longer economically reparable, it
f. 30-Day DS/GS Maintenance Authorization,
is normally disposed of at the GS level. When
Columns 6 and 7.
supply considerations dictate, some of these re-
The Repair Parts List includes asterisk entries in
pair parts may be listed for automatic return to
separate columns-one for Direct Support (DS)
supply for depot level repair as set forth in AR
and one for General Support (GS) --as appropri-
710-50. When so listed, they will be replaced by
supply on an exchange basis.
ate to indicate the total range of repair parts
authorized for use at that category or required
Repair Parts, Special Tools, Test Equipment and
to be removed or disassembled during the per-
assemblies which are economically reparable at
formance of authorized maintenance operations.
DSU and GSU activities and which normally
are furnished by supply on an exchange basis.
They will be requisitioned initiaIIy on an "as
When items are determined by a GSU to be
required" basis. The repair parts authorized at
uneconomically reparable, they will be evacuated
the DS/GS levels will be those authorized for the
to a depot for evaluation and analysis before
maintenance mission at these levels. Require-
final disposition.
ments for repair part stockage and for distribu-
Higher dollar value recoverable repair parts, special
tion to supported units will be based on demand
tools and test equipment which are subject to
and determined in accordance with AR 711-16.
special handling and are issued on an exchange
basis. Such items will be evacuated to the depot
g. l-Year Allowance Per 100 Equipments/Con-
for overhaul or final disposition, Communica-
tingency Planning Purposes. Column 8. T h i s
tions--Electronics and Missile Support Items will
column indicates opposite each item, the quantity
be repaired/overhauled only at depots.
required for distribution and contingency plan-
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equipment
ning purposes. The range of items indicates total
specifically selected for salvage by reclamation
quantities of all authorized items required to
units because of precious metal content, critical
provide for adequate support of 100 equipments
materiels, high dollar value or reusable casings
for one year.
or castings.
h. Depot Maintenawe Allowance Per 100
Equipments, Column 9. This column indicates op-
When no code is indicated in the recov-
posite each item, the quantity authorized for
erability column, the part will be con-
depot maintenance of 100 equipments,
sidered non-recoverable.
i. Ilustration, Column 10. This column is di-
b. Federal Stock Number (FSN), Column 2.
vided as follows:
This column indicates the FederaI Stock Number
(1) Figure number, column 10a. Indicates
assigned to the item and will be used, for requi-
the figure number of the illustration in which the
sitioning purposes.
item is shown.
(2) Item number, column 10b. Indicates the
c. Description, Column 3. This column indi-
callout number used to reference the item in the
cates the Federal item name and any additional
description of the item required. A part number
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