TM 9-2910-226-34
Figure 3-170. Fuel injection pump installed on test stand using panel, part No. 11020519.
(J) at the compensator inlet tee (H) (on all except
(1) Connect the test stand lube pressure-to-fuel
code G pumps).
injection pump hose (E) to the fuel injection pump oil
(5) Connect the compensator inlet tee-to-
inlet fitting in the advance unit housing.
pressure gage hose (C) to the fuel gage (fig. 3-163
(2) Connect the fuel injection pump lube return-
and 3-169) or to the pressure gage connection of the
to-test stand lube return hose (F) to the test stand
test stand panel (fig. 3-170) (all except code G). On
lube oil return.
code G pumps, install improvised manifold con-
(3) Connect the test stand fuel pressure-to-
sisting of elbow (G), tee (H), and adapters (J) and
supply pump inlet hose (A) to the inlet port of the
(K) into the elbow of the hydraulic head inlet, and
fuel injection pump fuel supply pump.
connect hoses.
(4) Connect the fuel injection pump fuel supply
outlet-to-compensator inlet hose (B) to the adapter
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