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TM 9-2910-226-34
refer to figure 1-16. The tappet assembly is
The hydraulic heads on code F and G in-
located between the camshaft and the lower
end of the fuel plunger. It consists of a
jection pumps, (fig. 1-14 and 1-15) had
additional passages that directed the flow of
tappet roller (YY), tappet roller pin (F), and
lubricating oil to the lower portion of the fuel
a tappet guide (G). The tappet guide con-
tains a slot which rides on the tappet guide
plunger and the plunger drive gear. If these
hydraulic heads are replaced by later model
pin in the injection pump housing.
heads it will be necessary to plug the oil
1-12. Quill Shaft Assembly.
passage in the injection pump housing with
parts kit 5704374.
The key letters shown below in parentheses
d. The fuel plunger is lapped and fitted into the
refer to figure 1-13. The quill shaft assembly
hydraulic head as well as in the plunger sleeve. Two
transmits the rotary motion of the camshaft
parallel flat surfaces on the lower extension of the
to the fuel plunger at one-half camshaft
fuel plunger lock the plunger drive gear with the
speed. The quill shaft assembly consists
plunger guide (M). The plunger guide is designed to
of a quill shaft (L), quill shaft bushing (K)
shear if the fuel plunger freezes,
two shaft spacers (H), and a camshaft
e. The drive gear thrust washer (Q) is placed
driven gear (G). The quill shaft assembly is
between the drive gear and hydraulic head to take
held in position in the injection pump hous-
the thrust of the plunger drive gear, The spring
ing by a machine screw (J).
upper and lower seats (L and H) and plunger inner
spring (K) are held on the plunger by two plunger
1-13. Governors (Typical).
locks (J), The plunger button (X) mates the round
surface of the fuel plunger end to the flat surface of
The key letters shown below in parentheses
the tappet guide (G). The preceding components are
refer to figures 1-16 and 1-17, except where
fastened to the head by the drive gear retainer (N).
otherwise indicated.
This retainer is cut away to permit the meshing of
a. The governor, with its weight and spider
the plunger drive gear with the quill shaft gear and is
assembly attached to the camshaft, is an integral
also used for fuel pump timing.
part of the fuel injection pump. The governor is a
1-9. Overflow Valve Assembly. The overflow valve
variable speed, mechanical and centrifugal type. The
assembly (A, fig. 1-13 ) returns the excess fuel from
governing action is accomplished by two governor
the hydraulic head to the vehicle fuel tank. The valve
weights (UU) acting against a movable sliding sleeve
assembly is located on the fuel outlet passage of the
(VV) which is backed up by governor inner and outer
hydraulic head. It consists of an overflow valve and
springs (RR and SS) loaded in opposite directions.
valve spring which maintains a constant fuel
(1) The governor on code A injection pump (fig.
pressure in the hydraulic head. The overflow valve
1-1 7) is the same except a torque control link ((D),
has a small opening which allows any air ac-
fig. 1-18) has been added.
cumulation in fuel passages to escape. The opening
(2) The control link retards governor action
also serves as a continuous bleed of fuel to permit
during automatic transmission shift and does not
cooling of the pump.
allow engine speed or torque increase during the
1-10. Camshaft.
change of gear ratios within the transmission. This
action alleviates shift shock to the transmission.
KEY to fig. 1-18
The key letters shown in parentheses refer to
A Weight and spider assembly
figure 1-16. The camshaft (ZZ) is supported
B Oil baffle
at the front of the fuel pump housing by the
C Torque link spring
camshaft ball bearing (AB) and at the rear
D Torque link
by the camshaft bushing type bearing (XX).
E Guide
The camshaft is comprised of a shaft with a
F Sliding stop wedge
G Smoke limit
three-lobed cam and a spiral worm gear. The
E Stop plate
worm gear drives the quill shaft and the fuel
J Fulcrum lever assembly
supply pump.
K Torque link pin
L Contact surface
1-11. Tappet Assembly.
M Operating shaft
N Torque link pin
The key letters shown below in parentheses
P Contact surface

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