TM 9-2815-224-34&P
Cylinder Head Maintenance Instructions
Never install used compression gaskets;
they will cause compression leaks.
Install four compression
gaskets (1), seventeen water
seals (2), oil seal (3), and seal
strip gasket (4).
Remove paper covering from
back of two support shims (5)
and install glued side down.
Install two cylinder head guide
studs into two bottom corners of
cylinder block (6).
Soldier A alines cylinder
head (7) with guide studs while
Soldier B operates suitable
lifting device.
(5) Lower cylinder head (7) on
cylinder block (6).
Remove three nuts (8),
washers (9), and lifting fixture
from studs (10).
(6.1) Apply international compound
No. 2 to threads and under
heads of ten cylinder head
screws (11).
(7) Install eight cylinder head
screws (11) and washers (12).
Remove two guide studs and
install two remaining cylinder
head screws and washers.
(7.1) Tighten ten cylinder head
screws (11) in the sequence
shown until cylinder head (7) is
seated on the compression
gaskets (1) and is parallel to the
cylinder block (6) face.
Change 2
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