Assemble plain washer (30) and stop pin (31 ) to control unit
lever hole that is closest to control unit shaft and secure in
place with
(32) and nut (33). Torque nut to 20-25
Apply a film of
(item 33, Appx C) to control unit
preformed packing (34) and assemble to control unit (35).
Assemble sleeve pin (36) to control unit (35).
Rotate control unit lever 360 degrees. Failure to
rotate 360 degrees indicates that sleeve pin is not
engaging metering sleeve slot.
Position control unit lever so that sleeve
(36) is at
6 o'clock position, flats are horizontal; and dot is up.
Make sure that head metering sleeve is at its lowest posi-
tion and insert control unit (35) into pump housing (21 ).
With control unit lever positioned with stop pin (31) at
12 o'clock position, assemble control unit retaining plate
(37) and secure plate in place with tab washers (38) and
screws (39). Bend one tab of each washer (38) over edge of
retaining plate.
TM 9-2815-22?
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