*TM 9-2815-213-34
Section I. General
1-1. Scope
Forms and Records
a. This technical manual contains instruction for
Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are to be
used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance
direct and general support maintenance of the Cummins
levels are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
contains descriptions of, and procedures for,
Reporting of Equipment Publication
disassembly, inspection, repair, rebuild, and assembly of
the engine.
recommendations for improving this publication by the
including supply manuals, forms, technical manuals, and
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
other available publications applicable to the engine.
submitted on DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to
Publications, and forwarded direct to the Commanding
test equipment required for the performance of direct
General, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command
and general support maintenance of the engine.
Attention: ASMTA-4, Warren, MI 48090.
Section II. Description and Data
gases from the cylinders. Proper engine operation
1-4. Description
depends upon the high compression of the intake air and
a. General.
the timed injection of the correct measure of diesel fuel
(1) In this manual the following terms will be used to
into the cylinder.
identify the location for engine parts and assemblies:
b. Engine Assembly. The model V8-300 engine
(a) Front-fan end of engine.
(b) Rear-flywheel end of engine.
head, water cooled, compression ignition engine. The
(c) Right and Left-are identified as viewed from
engine is rated 300 horsepower at 3000 rpm and will
the rear.
operate on diesel fuel.
(2) The model V8-300 diesel engine is as eight
c. Engine Systems.
(1) Fuel System. The system consists of a filter, fuel
compression-ignition engine, using the four stroke cycle
pump with governor, fuel passages, and injectors (one
principle of operation. The four strokes consist of intake,
for each cylinder). The system is designed so that the
compression, power and exhaust. Intake and exhaust
volume of liquid flow is proportionate to the fluid
valves, and fuel injectors, are operated from a single
pressure, the time allowed to flow, and the size of the
camshaft. The intake stroke of the cycle brings filtered,
orifice fuel flows through. The pump draws fuel from the
heated air to the cylinders. The compression stroke
vehicle supply tank and delivers it to each injector. A
compresses the air (17:1 compression ratio) to 500-600
governor controls the flow of fuel from the gear pump, as
p.s.i, and raises the cylinder temperature to
well as the idle and maximum engine speed.
approximately 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. During the top
(2) Lubrication System. All working parts of the
of the compression stroke and start of the power stroke,
engine are pressure lubricated. Oil is supplied by a dual-
a metered charge of diesel fuel is injected into the
type gear driven lubricating pump located below the
cylinders. The high temperature within the cylinders
crankshaft and driven by the crankshaft gear. On
ignites the diesel fuel resulting in the power stroke. The
completion of the lubrication cycle, oil is accumulated in
fourth stroke of the cycle exhausts the burned
the oil pan sump by gravity and is drawn from this sump
by the oil
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