C 1, TM 9-2815-213-34
Section I.
B-1. Scope
This appendix lists the repair parts and specific tools
PA ..... Item procured and stocked for anticipated or
required for the performance of dire support and general
known usage.
support maintenance of the V8-300 diesel engine.
PB ..... Item procured and stocked for insurance
purpose because essentially dictates that a minimum
B-2. General.
quantity be available in the supply systems.
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List divided into the
PC ..... Item procured and stocked and which otherwise
following sections:
would be coded PA except that it is deteriorate in nature.
a. Section II. Repair Parts List. A list of repair parts
PD ..... Support item, excluding support equipment,
authorized for use in the performance maintenance. The
procured for initial issue or outfitting and stocked only for
list also includes parts which must be removed for
subsequent or additional initial issues or outfittings. Not
replacement of the authorized parts. Parts lists are
subject to automatic replenishment.
composed functional groups in ascending numeric,
PE ..... Support equipment procured and stocked for
sequence, with the parts in each group listed figure and
initial issue or outfitting to specified maintenance repair
item number sequence. Bulk material are listed in NSN
PF...... Support equipment which will not be stocked but
b. Section III. Special Tools, Test and Support
which will be centrally procured on demand.
Equipment. A list of special tools, test at support
PG ..... Item procured and stocked to provide for
equipment authorized for the performance of
sustained support for the life of the equipment. It is
maintenance at the direct support and general support
applied to item peculiar to the equipment which,
because of probable discontinuance or shutdown of
c. Section IV. National Stock Number and Part
production facilities,
would prove uneconomical to
Number Index. A list, in ascending numerical sequence,
reproduce at a later time.
of all National stock numbers appearing in the listings,
KD ..... An item of a depot overhaul/repair kit and not
followed by a list in alphameric sequence, of all part
purchased separately. Depot kit defined as a kit that
number appearing in the listings. National stock numb,
provides items required at the time of overhaul or repair.
and part numbers are cross-referenced to each
KF...... An item of a maintenance kit and not purchased
illustration figure and item number appearance This
Maintenance kit defined as a kit that
index is followed by a cross-reference list reference
provides an item that can be replaced at organizational
designations to figure and item number: when applicable.
or intermediate levels of maintenance.
B-3. Explanation of Columns.
KB ..... Item included in both a depot overhaul/repair kit
The following provides an explanation of columns found
and a maintenance kit.
in the tabular listings: a. Illustration. This column is
MO .... Item
to be manufactured or fabricated at
divided follows:
organizational level.
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure number
MF ..... Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the
of the illustration in which the item shown.
direct support maintenance level.
(2) Item Number. The number used identify
MH..... Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the
each item called out in the illustration
general support maintenance level.
b. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Codes
MD..... Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the
(SMR ).
depot maintenance level.
(1) Source Code. Source codes are assigned to support
AOItem to be assembled at organizational level.
items to indicate the manner of acquiring support items
AF...... Item to be assembled at direct support
for maintenance, repair, or overhaul of end items.
maintenance level.
Source codes are entered in the first and second
AH ..... Item to be assembled at general support
positions of the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
maintenance level.
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