TM 9-2815-210-34-1
and general support levels of maintenance. The amount of troubleshooting you can do
is based on what the Maintenance Allocation Chart says you can fix. Because of this,
the only trouble symptoms you will find here are those that could be caused by faulty
things you can fix.
the engine. Chapter 2 tells you how to use the information in the other chapters of
this volume to find what is wrong with the truck, and what you must do to fix it.
Chapter 7 has a procedure that takes you step-by-step through a sample trouble-
shooting procedure and shows you how to use the information to find the trouble and
fix it.
problem in the truck, you must use a good approach. A good approach just means a
way of doing troubleshooting so you can find the problem and not get confused or lost.
The following chapter describes how you can use the materials in this volume to
troubleshoot with a good approach.
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