e. Starting from the f rent, the main bearings
are numbered 1 through 7.
f. The connecting rods are numbered from
a. General. The Model LDS-427-2 hyper-
the front, 1 through 6, and are identified by
cycle Multifuel engine operates on a compres-
matched numbers stamped on the rod and rod
sion ignition four- cycle diesel principle (fig. 11)
cap bosses.
similar to conventional four-cycle diesel and
gasoline engines. Mechanically the four- cycle
diesel and gasoline engines are alike in respect
g. Crankshaft rotation is clockwise and cam-
to internal moving parts. The hypercycle com-
shaft rotation is counterclockwise as viewed
from front of the engine.
pression ignition principle is explained in the
following paragraphs.
h. The elements in the fuel filter assembly
are identical and interchangeable. The filter
b. Intake Stroke (fig. 12). Air is forced into
the cylinder through the open intake valve by
toward the front is the primary filter and the
rear filter is the final filter.
atmospheric pressure during cranking, or by
the turbosupercharger during engine operation.
i. The two oil filters are identical and in-
The intake passage in the intake manifold and
valve port opening are designed to produce
an air swirl in the cylinder as air enters the
j. The two cylinder heads are identical and
combustion chamber during the intake stroke
are interchangeable. When mentioned, the cyl-
of the piston.
inder heads will be referred to as front cylinder
head and rear cylinder head.
k. The two cylinder-head water outlet mani-
folds are identical and are interchangeable.
When mentioned, the manifolds will be referred
to as the front cylinder head water outlet mani-
fold and the rear cylinder head water outlet
l. The assembled rocker arms, shaft, and
supports are interchangeable. When mentioned,
they will be referred to as the front set of
rocker arms and the rear set of rocker arms.
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