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nozzle body over valve and lap valve to seat with
(3) Adjusting spring and spring seats.
Replace nozzle  o p e n i n g p r e s s u r e  adjusting
a very light pressure for 15 to 20 seconds at 500
spring (N) and spring upper and lower seats (D
to 600 rpm chuck speed. Wash body and valve
and M ) when cracked or worn, or when nozzle
very thoroughly in clean fuel before assembly.
o p e n i n g pressure does not meet the limits
( b ) A sticking valve can, in some in-
specified in paragraph 4-17c(2).
stances, be made to slide freely by cleaning the
(4) Holder spring. Replace holder spring
valve stem with tallow and a felt pad with valve
clamped in rotating chuck. If the valve cannot be
(P) when cracked, broken, or when inspection
revealed discoloration due to overheating.
m a d e to slide freely, the fuel injector nozzle
Replace the holder spring when it does not
assembly must be replaced.
conform to the dimensions detailed in para. 4-
(c) Replace nozzle body and valve
assembly when any of the spray holes or the
(5) Holder body.
drilled fuel passage cannot be cleaned so that
(a) Replace holder body (A) when
they are free from obstructions.
c r a c k e d , burred, nicked, or when threads are
(d) Replace nozzle body and valve
s t r i p p e d or damaged.
assembly when lapped sealing surface of body is
b a d l y nicked, scratched, or cracked. Remove
( b ) Remove minor scratches and im-
perfections in lapped sealing surface of holder
minor scratches from sealing surface by lapping
body by lapping with fine lapping compound on
with fine lapping compound on a smooth lapping
a smooth lapping plate. The holder and plate
plate. The nozzle body must be held flat on the
must be held 90 degrees to each other. There
lapping plate during this operation or the sealing
should be no rocking motion during lapping.
surface will become rounded on the edges.
(6) Nozzle cap nut. Replace nozzle cap nut
(2) Valve stop spacer.
(J) when badly nicked, burred, or when cracks
(a) Replace valve stop spacer (L) when
are evident due to overheating. Replace cap nut
lapped sealing surfaces on either end are cracked,
w h e n threads are stripped or damaged, and
deeply scratched, pitted, or when the area around
when gasket area is scratched, nicked, or burred.
the center hole at nozzle end is worn or pounded
(7) Nozzle retainer. Replace nozzle retainer
beyond 0.003-inch depth.
( F ) when cracked, badly nicked or burred or
( b ) Remove minor scratches and im-
w h e n hexagon nut area is damaged, Replace
perfections from lapped sealing areas on ends of
retainer when threads are stripped or damaged.
spacer by lapping with fine lapping compound
(8) Fuel injector tube connector. R e p l a c e
on a smooth lapping plate. The spacer must be
fuel injector tube connector (Q) when cracked or
held flat against the lapping plate during this
threads are stripped or damaged.
o p e r a t i o n or the sealing surface will become
e. Assemble and Test.
rounded on edges.
(1) Assemble. Refer to figures 4-169 and 4-
(c) Replace valve stop spacer when
drilled fuel passages cannot be cleaned so that
they are completely free from obstructions.
(2) Test. Refer to paragraph 4-17c. The fuel
injector nozzle and holder assembly should be
tested whenever nozzle has been disassembled.

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