dicated by lower-case letters in the referenced
Refer to table 6-1 for standard torque specifications
c. Wear Limits Tabulation. All wear limits
f o r bolts, nuts, and screws. Special torque
applicable to transmission parts are tabulated in
specifications are included in applicable overhaul
paragraph 6-4 below.
(rebuild) and assembly sections.
d. Letters and Symbols in Tabulation. T h e
"Size and Fit of New Parts" column indicates fit by
Refer to table 6-2 for specifications for all springs in
T or L. T denotes a tight (interference) fit; L
the transmission.
denotes a loose (clearance) fit.
6-4. Wear Limits
a. Wear Limits Definition. The wear limits
Refer to table 6-3 for wear limits for direct and
indicate the dimensions to which a part may wear
general support, maintenance operations.
before it must be replaced. Normally any part not
worn beyond its wear limit will be approved for
Refer to paragraph 5-3 for inspection
continued use, if it is not otherwise damaged.
recommendations applicable to all trans-
b. Points
M e a s u r e m e n t . Points of
mission componets.
measurement of all critical dimensions are in-
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