2-12. Hydraulic Schematics
schematics identify each circuit. Areas not colored
are usually filled with oil which is neither flowing
a. Full and Partial Schematics. A schematic
nor under pressure. Such areas are inactive,
diagram of the entire hydraulic system is illustrated
contribute nothing to hydraulic action, and may be
in figure 2-2. Eight partial schematics in color (fig.
2-3 through 2-10) illustrate the operation of the
hydraulic system under various conditions ex-
2-13. Torque Converter or Lockup Drive
plained in paragraphs 2-14 through 2-21.
b. Valve Positions.
The torque converter and lockup clutch must be
considered as part of the hydraulic system since
2-10). valves and other moving parts are shown in
both require oil for operation. Therefore, in all
their proper positions for the conditions illustrated.
explanations of transmission operation, keep in
Some valves will be at either one extreme or the
mind that the input drive may be direct (through
other of their movement, while others are at some
the applied lockup clutch) or hydraulic (through
intermediate position. Thus, those at intermediate
the torque converter). These terms are reduced to
positions show only the approximate degree of
"lockup" and "converter" operation in the ex-
movement under certain conditions.
planations which follows.
(2) It must be remembered that input speed,
output speed. throttle opening, selector position,
a. Main Pressure Circuit (red--fig. 2-3).
and oil temperature and viscosity will affect the
degree of movement and positions of certain valves.
neutral operation of the transmission while the
c. Colors Indicate Hydraulic Circuits. Separate
engine is idling and the engine throttle is closed.
colors or color combinations indicate each
The transmission is in converter operation.
hydraulic circuit. Color blocks on the partial
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