![]() 2-3. Intermediate-Range Clutch and Planetary
tanged plates, 3 internal-splined plates, and 12
return springs (47). The intermediate-range
a. Intermediate-Range Clutch Components (fig.
housing assembly (22) serves as the low-range
2-1). The intermediate-range clutch includes a
clutch back plate. The low- and reverse-range
stationary back plate assembly (18), piston (21),
housing assembly (26) serves jointly for the low-
three internal-splined, and two external-tanged
and reverse-range clutches. Pins in the housing
clutch plates (19), and ten return springs (51). The
assembly anchor the low-range, external-tanged
piston housing assembly (22) serves also as a
clutch plates, as well as the reverse-range, external-
reaction plate for the low-range clutch.
tanged plates, against rotation.
(1) A 21-tooth sun gear (46), 59-tooth (in-
(1) A 31-tooth sun gear (53), 59-tooth (in-
ternal) ring gear (23), and a carrier assembly and
ternal) ring gear (20), and a carrier assembly (54)
transmission o u t p u t shaft with four 19-tooth
w i t h four 14-tooth pinions make up the in-
pinions make up the low-range gear set. The sun
termediate-range gear set. The sun gear is the
gear is the driving member, the ring gear is the
driving member, the ring gear is the reaction
reaction member, and the carrier assembly and
member, and the carrier assembly is the driven
output shaft is the driven member.
(2) The sun gear (46) is splined to the turbine
(2) The sun gear (53) is splined to the turbine
shaft (59) and meshes with the carrier pinions. The
shaft (59) and meshes with the carrier pinions. The
carrier assembly is integral with the transmission
carrier assembly (54) includes splines at the front
output shaft (33). The carrier pinions mesh with
which engage the internal-splined, high-range
both the sun gear (46) and ring gear (23). The ring
clutch plates (17), and splines at the rear which
gear internal teeth mesh with the carrier pinions.
engage the low-range ring gear (23). The carrier
The ring gear external splines engage the low-
pinions mesh with both the sun gear (53) and ring
range, internal-splined plates. At the front, the ring
gear (20). The ring gear internal teeth mesh with
the carrier pinions. Its external splines engage the
gear (23) is attached to the intermediate-range
intern al-splined clutch plates (19). A retainer at the
carrier (54). At its rear, the ring gear is attached to
the reverse-range sun gear shaft (40).
outer circumference of the ring gear (20) prevents
c. operation of Low-Range Clutch and Planetary
the gear moving forward or rearward.
c. Operation of Intermediate-Range Clutch and
(1) When the low-range clutch (24) is applied,
the clutch piston compresses the clutch plates
(1) When the intermediate-range clutch (19) is
against the housing (22). This holds the ring gear
applied. the clutch piston compresses the clutch
(23) stationary+ The sun gear (46) drives carrier
plates against the back plate (18). This holds the
ring gear (20) stationary. The sun gear (53) drives
assembly and output shaft (33) at reduced speed.
(2) The speed reduction in the low-range
the carrier assembly (54) and low-range ring gear
planetary is 3.81 to 1 for low-range operation. The
(23) at reduced speed. The low-range sun gear (46)
low-range gears have another role in reverse-range
(rotating at the same speed as the intermediate-
range sun gear (53) and the low-range ring gear
operation. They are compounded with the reverse-
(23) (rotating at a lower speed) combine to drive
range gears (para 2-5).
the low-range planetary carrier and transmission
(3) When the low-range clutch is released.
output shaft at a different rate of speed.
springs (47) push the piston (25) back into the
(2) The actual speed reduction ratio in the
housing (26). This permits the low-range, internal-
splined plates to rotate independently of the
intermediate-range gear set is 2.90 to 1. However,
stationary . external-tanged plates.
when this ratio is combined with that of the low-
range gear set. the overall speed reduction ratio is
1.93 to 1. The interaction of two planetary gear sets
to produce a desired ratio is called compounding.
The reverse-range clutch includes a stationary back
(3) When hydraulic pressure is exhausted
plate (30), piston (27). 4 internal-splined and 3
from the intermediate-range clutch piston housing,
external-tanged clutch plates (28), and 12 return
springs (51) return the piston (21) into the housing
springs (43). The piston housing assembly (26)
bore. Released, the internal-splined clutch plates
serves jointly for the reverse- and low-range
rotate independently of the stationary, external-
clutches. Pins in the housing assembly anchor the
tanged plates.
reverse-range, external-tanged clutch plates, as well
as the low-range, external-tanged clutch plates,
against rotation.
The low-range clutch (24) includes 3 external-
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