clutch is released, the torque converter must
transmit engine power to the transmission. When
the lockup clutch is engaged, there is no converter
(1) The torque converter consists mainly of
action and torque is transmitted directly from
three cast aluminum elements: a converter pump
engine to transmission because the input drive
(8), converter turbine (6), and a stator and cam
components and converter turbine (6) are locked
assembly (7). In addition, there are other parts in
the group which house and support these main
(2) When the lockup clutch is released, the
torque converter (which is constantly filled with oil)
(2) The converter pump assembly (8) is the
transmits torque by hydraulic action. The blades of
driving element. It rotates on a ball bearing
the pump (8) throw oil against the blades of the
assembly (9) supported by a converter ground
turbine (6), causing the turbine to rotate in the
sleeve (10) which is stationary and a component of
same direction as the pump. Higher pump speeds
the diaphragm assembly (12). The pump is bolted
cause the oil to be thrown with more force, causing
to a cover assembly (4) which rotates with the
a greater rotating force in the turbine. At engine
engine crankshaft.
idle speed, the force of the oil, and consequently the
(3) The converter turbine assembly (6) is the
torque transmitted, is negligible. This characteristic
driven element. It is splined to a turbine shaft (59)
of hydraulic drive permits the torque converter to
which transmits torque to a high-range clutch
housing (16), intermediate-range sun gear (53),
take the place of a friction clutch between the
engine and transmission.
and a low-range sun gear (46). The turbine hub (2)
(3) The turbine vanes direct the oil toward the
is splined to a lockup clutch plate (5).
center of the turbine (6), where the oil leaves the
(4) The stator and cam assembly (7) is the
turbine in a direction opposite to pump rotation.
reaction element. It is mounted on an over-running
The stator (7) redirects the flow of oil to change its
clutch on a freewheel roller race (63) which is
direction to that of pump rotation. Unexpended
splined to a ground sleeve (10). The stator is free to
energy in the oil reentering the pump (8) assists the
rotate in the direction of engine rotation but locks
pump. This is the key to torque multiplication.
up in the opposite direction.
(4) Thus, the torque converter is a torque
multiplier as well as a fluid coupling. Torque
(1) The lockup clutch piston assembly (64) is
multiplication is highest when the turbine (6) is
a spring steel diaphragm with a clutch apply plate
stalled and the pump (8) is rotating at full speed. It
at its outer circumference. It is mounted on the
is lowest when the pump is rotating at its lowest
inner hub of the converter pump cover assembly
speed relative to the turbine.
(4). and retained by a snap ring. Recesses in the
(5) The oil, leaving the inner ends of the
piston engage the heads of the converter drive bolts,
turbine vanes, strikes the curved vanes of the stator
and prevent rotation of the piston relative to the
and is deflected into the pump vanes. It is the
pump cover.
reaction of the oil, as it is forced to change direc-
(2) The lockup clutch plate (5) is a non-
tion, which locks the stator against rotation op-
metallic, internal-splined plate. It is splined to the
posite to pump and turbine rotation. When turbine
converter turbine hub and located between the
piston (64) and the lockup clutch back plate (62).
speed approaches pump speed, the oil leaving the
turbine strikes the back sides of the turbine vanes
(3) The lockup clutch back plate (62) is a
and causes the stator to freewheel on the rollers
pressed steel ring against which the plate (5) reacts
when the lockup clutch is applied. Its outer
(6) When torque multiplication is no longer
diameter is held between the converter pump cover
required to provide sufficient power to the vehicle
(4) and tbe pump (8) which are bolted together.
drive line and vehicle speed is great enough, the
c. operation of Torque Converter and Lockup
lockup clutch automatically engages. In lockup
operation there is no hydraulic slippage. The result
(1) The actions of the torque converter and
is economy in operation and improvement in
lockup clutch are interrelated. When the lockup
operating characteristics.
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