TM 9-2520-249-34& P
68 Maintain finger pressure on the pitot tube,
66 Hold the pitot tube in place by reaching through
remove the second guide bolt and install
the hole in the housing front wall. And remove
remaining 10-32 x 1 1/2-inch bolt (1) Tighten
one guide bolt (1).
both bolts to 2.5 to 4 pound feet torque.
67 Maintain finger pressure on the pitot tube and
69 Using a chisel, a corner of lockstrip (1) against
install lockstrip (1) and one 10-32 x 1 1/2-inch
(1) a flat side on each (of bolts (2).
bolt (2) into the pitot tube. Tighten bolt (2)
finger tight.
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