![]() TM 9-2520-249-34& P
unless replacement of retaining rings or pins is
7-104. Description.
Refer to paragraphs 2-13 and 2-15 for description of the
g. If inspection shows that anchor pins (6)
right and left brakes and steer clutches.
require replacement, press them out of reaction plate
7-105. Disassembly (FO-7)
h. If pins (8) require replacement, remove
them from plate (7).
The right and left assemblies are identical;
7-106. Cleaning
therefore, only the left assembly is described in
the following procedures.
Refer to paragraph 5-2 for cleaning recommendations.
a. Position the assembly in a press with the steer
7-107. Inspection and Repair
clutch (side with fewer plates) down (fig. 7-34).
Refer to paragraph 5-3 for general inspection and repair
7-108. Repair Standards
repair standards.
b. Refer to repair and overhaul standards
a. If pins (8) were removed from plate (7),
install new replacement parts. The pins must be
pressed in, flat sides of the ends out, and flat sides
parallel to the centerline of the plate, to a radius of
5.350 inches (center of plate to inner end of pin).
b. If pins (6) were removed from plate (7),
install new pins. Pins (6) must be pressed into plate (7)
so that the pins project 2.000 inches from the plate
surface on the side that has the largest inner diameter.
c. Install 12 spring guide pins (15), assembled
Figure 7-34. Removing o r installing) snaprings which
to 12 retaining rings (17), into the small holes in apply
retain brake and steer clutch release guide pins.
disk (16). The retaining rings must seat against the flat
side of the disks (opposite the counterbores at the pin
until pressure is relieved from the snaprings. Remove
d. Position disk (16), flat side down, on a flat
the 12 snaprings.
surface. The ends of the pins (15), which do not have
c. Remove the brake apply plate and 12
retaining rings, will project upward.
springs, Remove six internal-splined brake plates and
e. Install four internal-splined disks 114) and
six external-tanged brake plates (fig. 7-34).
four external-tanged disks (12) onto apply disk (16).
d. Lift the brake and steer clutch reaction
Begin with an internal-splined disk (14) and alternate
plate assembly off the oil baffle plate and steer clutch
with external-tanged disks (12) in the clutch. The
plates (fig. 7-34).
external tang of disks (12) must be positioned between
e. Remove the oil baffle plate. Remove four
the closest adjoining pins. The smaller cutouts (in the
external-tanged steer clutch plates and four internal-
tangs) must aline with identical cutouts in apply disk
splined steer clutch plates (fig. 7-34).
Remove 12 spring guide pins (15, FO-7)
Install oil baffle plate (11) on external-
from steer clutch apply disk (16). Do not remove the
tanged clutch disks (12), centering it with the clutch
remaining 12 retaining rings (17) from pins (15)
g. Position reaction plate assembly (5),
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