TM 9-2520-249-34& P
18. Remove lubrication regulator valve body assembly
(1) and gasket (2).
20. Remove torque converter housing assembly (1)
and gasket (2) from bevel gear housing (3).
Remove 12 spring pins (4) and 12 springs (5).
Remove five steel low range clutch disks (6) and
four bronze-faced disks (7).
19. Attach sling (1) to converter housing (4) as shown.
Position hoist hook (2) in sling and take up slack in
hoist. Using a 9/16-inch wrench,, remove 25 bolts
(3), lockwashers and plain washers which attach
converter housing (4) to bevel gear housing (5).
The converter housing is under spring
21. Position torque converter housing assembly (1). as
pressure and will separate approximately 2
shown. Remove the sling. Using a 9/16-inch socket
inches from bevel gear housing.
wrench, remove 14 bolts (2), lockwashers and plain
washers which retain the input oil pump assembly.
Do not remove four bolts (3).
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