![]() TM 9-2520-249-34&P
Pivot Valve (normal land steer position).
Right Steer Valve.
(1) In normal steer position, the valve
(1) In right steer operation, the steer
directs second-, third-, and fourth-signal pressure to the
control shaft is rotated counterclockwise. This rotation
bottom of the steer relay valve. This pushes the valve
causes the right steer valve to move downward. The
upward where it indexes with ports to charge and
downward movement blocks main-pressure oil at the
upper portion of the valve and thus prevents the
charging of the right output clutch. The downward
(2) In normal steering, the vehicle will
movement also allows the right output clutch to exhaust
"pivot" in first and reverse gears-one output will rotate
through a port in the left steer valve. Simultaneously,
opposite to the direction of travel while the other output
main pressure is admitted to the lower portion of the
rotates with the direction of travel. During normal steer
steer relay valve bore, regulated, and directed through
operation, in second gear (also third and fourth gears)
the steer relay valve to the left geared steer (steering)
geared steer is used. In geared steer, the vehicle turns
toward the side with the slowest output. This is done by
(2) The lower portion of the right steer
engaging the steer clutch on the side toward which the
valve directs steer-regulated pressure to the right
turn is made. Refer to paragraph 2-43b, following, for
geared steer (steering) clutch; refer to paragraph 2-41b
description of pivot valve in pivot "water steer" position.
(2) for description of regulating function.
c. Left Steer Value.
(1) During right steer operation, the left
steer valve is moved upward. (The steer valves move
The related mechanical functions required
in opposite directions due to an interconnecting pivot
for this travel operation are described in
arm.) The upward movement does not interrupt the
paragraph 2-51b, and illustrated in
apply circuit to the left output. Thus, it remains engaged
as the driving clutch.
(2) The lower portion of the valve also
Second Gear, Pivot Right Steer Operation
moves upward. This movement allows main-pressure
oil to enter the right steer signal circuit. Pressure in this
circuit seats the air valve which causes the brake
coolant pump to direct coolant to the right geared steer
clutch (para 2-45c).
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