TM 9-2520-249-34&P
Second Gear, Straight Travel Operation.
The related mechanical functions required
for this travel condition are described in
Figure 2-4. Hydraulic system. second gear straight travel operation--schematic view
a. Operational Circuits. This driving condition
circuit directs main-pressure oil to three valves-pivot,
steer relay valve, and drive relay valve.
uses the same circuitry as first gear, straight travel,
c. Pivot Valve (normal land-steer position).
except the steer clutches are released and the output
clutches are engaged.
(1) The pivot valve directs main-pressure
b. Manual Selector Valve.
The valve is
oil in the second, third, and fourth signal circuit to the
bottom of the steer relay valve.
moved toward the right until the ball rests in the second
(2) The pivot valve does not affect the
gear detent. In this position, the low-range clutch
circuits involved in any straight travel operation-forward
remains charged and a main-pressure port indexes with
or reverse. Refer to paragraph 2-4d, for description of
the second-, third-, and fourth-gear signal circuit. This
valve effects during normal land-steer operation,
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