TM 9-2520-246-34
4-8. Assembly of Transfer (Sequence).
a. Transfer case shifter shaft plug and valve
assembly. (See figs 4-11 and 4-12.)
b. Shifter fork, input shaft assembly, and
countershaft assembly. (See fig. 4-13.)
when in high position (step b). Front output shaft
4-9. General. This section provides for the tests and
should not turn.
adjustments of transfer model T-136-27.
d. Front Output Shaft Air Lockup. Apply air
pressure, check for sound of lock engaging. Repeat
transfer on side with filler plug up. Remove filler plug
steps b and c, both output shafts should turn. Remove
and pour pint of universal gear lubricant (GO),
air pressure and repeat step b. Front output shaft
MIL-L-2105, through the plug opening. Install and
should be disengaged.
tighten filler plug. Lubrication of the complete unit
should be accomplished after installation. Attach a tag
to filler plug giving instructions for filling before
transfer is placed in service. Refer to paragraph 4-3
2) to engage brakeshoes with handbrake drum.
for transfer data and lubrication order (LO 9-2320-
Release lever and note if shoe return spring pulls
209-12/1) for lubrication specifications.
shoes free of drum. For in-vehicle handbrake lever
adjustment, refer to TM 9-2320-209-20/1.
4-11. Shift Test.
4-13. Handbrake Shoe Adjustment.
a. Neutral. Place shifter shaft in neutral position
(between low, shifter shaft out, and high, shifter shaft
in). Turn input shaft by hand. Front and rear output
check adjustment of shoe anchor pin. (See fig. 4-3.) If
shafts should not turn.
outer shoe is free on anchor pin, tighten bolt in shoe
b. High. Push shifter shaft in to shift to high
stop bracket to increase shoe-to-drum clearance. For
in-vehicle adjustment, refer to TM 9-2320-209-20/1.
position. Turn input shaft in clockwise direction. Rear
output shaft should revolve in same direction. Front
b. To ensure brakeshoe assembly is correctly
output shaft should not turn.
positioned on brakedrum, use spacer washers between
brakeshoe assembly and rear bearing cover to obtain
c. Low. Pull shifter shaft out to shift to low
1/16-inch of brakedrum extending beyond brakeshoe
position. Turn input shaft by hand and note if rear
output shaft turns approximately one-half as fast as
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