TM 9-2520-246-34
and illustrated in TM 9-2520-246-34P which is the
2-1. General. Tools, equipment, and repair parts,
authority for requisitioning. Table 2-1 lists only the
over and above those available to the using
special tools and equipment necessary to perform the
organization, are supplied to direct support and
direct support, general support, and field maintenance
general support maintenance shops for maintaining,
operations described in this technical manual. Table 2-
repairing, and/ or rebuilding the material.
1 is included for information purposes only, and is not
to be used as a basis for requisitioning.
2-2. Repair Parts. Repair parts required for the
maintenance of the transmissions, transfers, and
2-4. Common Tools and Equipment. Standard
power takeoffs are listed in TM 9-2520-246-34P,
and commonly used tools having general application
which is the authority for requesting or ordering
to this material are listed in DA Supply Manuals SC
replacement parts.
4910-95-CL-A01, A02, A50, A63, A64, A65, A67,
A68, A69, A72, A73, and A74, SC 5180-90-CL-N23,
2-3. Special Tools and Equipment. The special
SC 4910-95-CL-A31 and A32.
tools and equipment, tabulated in table 2-1, are listed
Refer to Chapter 2, section III for general cleaning,
2-5. General.
inspection, and repair procedures.
a. Purpose. The information in this section is for
2-6. Introductory Information.
the use of support personnel in conjunction with, and
supplemental to the troubleshooting section in the
a. This section contains troubleshooting
pertinent Organizational Maintenance Manual (TM 9-
information for locating and correcting most of the
2320-209-20/1). This information therefore provides
operating troubles which may develop in the
the continuation of instructions in the Organizational
transmission models 3052 and 3053A, transfer models
Manual wherein a reference is made to direct support
T-136-27 and T-136-21, and power takeoff models
and general support maintenance personnel for
WN-7-28, WND-7-28, and P-136-C. Each malfunction
corrective action.
for an individual component unit or system is
b. Operation. Operation of a transmission, transfer,
followed by a list of tests or inspections which will
or power takeoff without a preliminary examination
help you to determine corrective actions to take. You
can cause further damage to the components and
should perform the tests/inspections and corrective
possible injury to personnel. Required inspection and
actions in the order listed.
troubleshooting will eliminate further damage to
b. This manual cannot list all malfunctions that
equipment and injury to personnel. Causes of faulty
may occur, nor all tests or inspections and corrective
operation in a unit or component can often be
actions. If a malfunction is not listed or is not
determined without extensive disassembly.
corrected by listed corrective actions, notify your
c. lnspection. Inspection after the component is
removed from the vehicle is performed to verify the
diagnosis made while the component was installed in
c. The table lists the common malfunctions which
the vehicle, to uncover further defects or to determine
you may find during the maintenance of the
malfunctions if the unit or component alone is
transmission models 3052 and 3053A, transfer models
received by the support organization. This inspection
T-136-21 and T-136-27, and power takeoff models
WN-7-28, WND-7-28, and P-136-C or their
is particularly important in the final case because it is
often the only means of determining the malfunction
components. You should perform the tests/inspections
without completely disassembling the component.
and corrective actions in the order listed.
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