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TM 750-262-6-1
(3) Method and degree of demilitarization: Tanks of
upon cutting or similarly destroying the frame and the
all types, military-type tank recovery vehicles, gun
suspension in a manner that will prevent subsequent
carriers, armored cars, and armored tracked vehicles
reassemble.  Disposition relating to the M151 in the
will be demilitarized as outlined for Category VI,
usable category will be forthcoming in the transfer of
Attachment 1, Part 1, Chapter 1, DOD Manual 4160-
vehicles to Federal Agencies with mandatory safety
21-M-1. Additional demilitarization will be accomplished
in the manner and degree prescribed by the theater
3-5. Warnings and Safety Instructions.
commander or his authorized representative, if required
a.  Demilitarization by torch cutting is inherently
in overseas areas Other items listed will be referred to
hazardous. High order and low order explosions may
the procuring service for specific instructions
occur in torch cutting closed chambers such as tanks,
3-3. Demilitarization Requirements for Donated
accumulators, recoil mechanism components, hollow
rods or hollow valve stems,
even though the
components are not under pressure or have had small
a. The cost of demilitarization of tanks and tank- like
holes drilled in them
vehicles will not exceed $255.00, in addition to cost of
b. An explosive condition may result from the heat of
demilitarization for the weapons
the torch vaporizing oil, paint or components inside the
component. In addition, gases from the cutting torch
Demilitarization of the material will be
may enter the hollow space, either adding to or creating
accomplished  without  changing  the
a highly explosive condition
exterior appearance of the vehicle
c.  In torch cutting,  it must be realized that
components  under  spring  pressure  may  become
b. Self-propulsion will be eliminated by:
dangerous upon sudden release of the spring-holding
(1) Draining all fuel tanks
(2) Removing battery connection to vehicular
d.  Safety precautions are also necessary where
electrical system
flammable materials or materials such as sodium and
c.  Weld shut all doors,  hatches,  and similar
magnesium are involved in the torch cutting operation.
attachments over at least 50 percent of contact areas.
e. Precautions against the hazards of torch cutting
(One hatch may be left unwelded but pad- locked shut
should include isolation of the working area, a technical
until vehicle reaches display site to comply with Interstate
knowledge of the construction of the component to be
Commerce Commission (ICC) regulations. Then weld
torch cut, and remote control of the cutting operation.
hatch as prescribed.)
f If a power shear is used,  adequate safety pre-
d.  Weld all movable levers,  handwheels,  and
cautions should be taken to prevent any flying fragments
similar devices with a substantial weld to prevent
from injuring personnel A holding fixture should be
installed on the shear so that guns or other items need
e. The steering mechanism and track drive should
not be held by hand during cutting.
be left intact to facilitate towing of the vehicles
g. Lethal material, because of its design, intended
f: Tank and tank like vehicle weapons and mounts.
use,  or composition,  is capable of causing injury,
The cost of $75.00 per mount and gun.
death, or destruction Lethal material consists of but is
g.  Demilitarization of armament and warnings is
not limited to: arms, ammunition, bombs, grenades,
described in Part 4, Attachment 1, DOD 4160.21-M-1.
explosive rockets, squibs, solid fuels, poisonous and
3-4. Disposition of M151 Vehicles.
caustic acids, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, toxic
a.  Disposition of M-151 Vehicles (see fig.  8).
biological agents,  spring-load devices such as recoil
Vehicles that have had the major components or parts
mechanisms and equilibrators, etc
removed where the vehicles may not be transferred or
utilized as usable units without incurring major expense
for repair or purchase of parts, may be offered for sale

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