TM 750-262-6-1
armor plate, starting at the circumferential cut and
extending to the floor line, will be removed The width of
(c) Method and degree of demilitarization: In
the section will be removed The width of the section will
accordance with owning Military Service directives for
be determined by making the widest cut possible without
safeguarding and/or disposal of classified material
f All other military operating equipment incorporated
affecting the suspension.
b. Partially Complete Material.
in military training equipment are to be demilitarized in
(1) Items in a partially completed state; such as,
accordance with the methods and degree of
forgings, castings, extrusions, and machined bodies,
demilitarization shown in Items 1 through 25 of
which have reached a stage in manufacture where they
Attachment 1,
Part 2 of DOD 4160.21-M-1 as
are clearly identifiable, and which are a key point or
incorporate a key point
3-2. Method and Degree of Demilitarization (Out-
(2) Key point to be demilitarized: As identified for
side the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin
the completed item
(3) Method and degree of demilitarization: As
a. General. Provisions for the demilitarization of
indicated for the completed items.
surplus property in the United States, Puerto Rico and
c Research and Development Material.
the Virgin Islands are equally applicable in the
(1) Key points to be demilitarized: Such points as
demilitarization of foreign excess property located in
required to protect security, design features, and
overseas areas.
Foreign excess property will be
proprietary rights and public health, safety, and welfare
demilitarized not less than prescribed for the same item
(2) Method and degree of demilitarization: Com-
in the preceding paragraph. In addition, the munitions
pletely destroy the end assembly if applicable and
list items and other military-type property set forth in this
mutilate components as required to comply with
chapter, will be demilitarized in the manner and degree
subparagraph c(1) above Destruction of assembly or
prescribed when located outside the United States,
components will be performed as specified for similar
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
items listed in this manual by cutting, torch- ing,
b. Military Training Equipment.
breaking, shearing, chemically treating, etc, to destroy
(1) Military training equipment such as attack
the identity of the item or component
trainers, radar target trainers, radar target generators,
d Production Equipment and Special Tooling.
target equipment, armament trainers, pilotless aircraft
(1) Production equipment and special tooling
trainers, mobile training units, military flight simulation
designed specifically for the manufacture or test of
devices, operational flight trainers, flight simulators,
key points of items listed in this manual and having no
radar trainers, instrument flight trainers, navigation
commercial or industrial application.
trainers, gunnery training devices and antisubmarine
(2) Key points to be demilitarized: Dies, jigs,
warfare trainers; key components, parts, accessories,
fixtures, and other appurtenances or portions of the
attach- ments and associated equipment.
principal item specifically designed for the production of
(2) Key points to be demilitarized: Entire item.
key points
(3) Method and degree of demilitarization: Com-
(3) Method and degree of demilitarization: Key
pletely destroy the equipment beyond repair or
points will be broken or otherwise mutilated to the degree
restoration for original intended use.
required to preclude repair or restoration for original
c. Tanks and Other Type Track Vehicles.
intended use.
(1) Military vehicles fitted with mounting for arms
e. Military Training Equipment.
or other specialized military equipment, designed for
(1) Military training equipment includes attack
carrying and handling ammunition, launch vehicles,
trainers, gunnery training devices, target equip- ment,
guided missiles, ballistic missiles, rockets, torpedoes,
armament trainers, mobile training units and military-
bombs, mines, propellants, explosives, and incendiary
type link trainers
agents; military mobile repair shops specifically designed
(2) Components, parts, accessories, attach-
to service military equipment; amphibious vehicles; self-
ment and associated equipment specifically designed or
propel- led guns and howitzers; and all specifically
modified for the items in subparagraph e(1) above.
designed key components,
(3) Key points to be demilitarized:
attachments, including military bridging and deep water
(a) All classified material. (b) Key point to be
fording kits for the articles in this category.
demilitarized: Those parts and components specified by
(2) Key points to be demilitarized: Armament and
the engineering cognizant Military Service as being
armor on tanks and ordnance vehicles; on other items,
classified for security reasons.
as designated by procuring service.
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