![]() TM 476-10
(6) When it can be expected that the item
will be dried using procedure D-1 except that
barrel bores, chamber, and similar surfaces will be dried
may be subject to damage during shipment, it is
by procedure D-4 using clean, dry, lint-free swabs or
advisable that additional cushioning protection be
rags. Drying of optical surfaces is done during the
utilized. This is especially true with high cost or highly
cleaning process. Immediately after cleaning, all open
sensitive items.
and closed antifriction bearings will be dried by
g. When the term "snug fitting" is referenced, a
procedure D-1, D-2, or D-3 per TM 38-230-1. When D-1
fiberboard container will be selected to adequately
is used, bearings must not spin or rotate rapidly. Slow
enclose the contents without forcing the contents in
rotation or oscillation during drying is permitted to allow
place or allowing excessive void areas.
exposure of all surfaces to the air used for drying.
standardor stock-size containers are selected, some
void areas may be present; however, adequate
Selection of the preservative material shall be as
cushioning will be provided to prevent free movement of
follows: first choice, VCI; second choice, P-2; and third
the item or items. When containers are fabricated, the
choice, P-1. If VCI is used, it should be in the form of a
item or items will be carefully measured to provide the
bore strip and outer wrap. If a bore strip is not available,
minimum practical container size.
When multiple
cut a strip from the wrap the length and diameter of the
quantities are involved, the items will be arranged to
bore, insert the strip into the tube, and completely wrap
provide a square container, if possible, or at least one
the item with VCI wrap. If P-2 is used, apply by dipping
with two dimensions being the same. Fast packs
or brushing and allow excess to drain. After P-2 or P-1
(PPPB-1672) shall be considered when weight, size, and
is applied, wrap complete item with greaseproof barrier
fragility factors are compatible.
material and secure with tape.
h. The following guidance is offered in determining
e. Greaseproof wraps will be applied by enclosing
the total quantity of like items allowed per container
the item to cover preserved surfaces. The wrap will
where specific quantities are not stated. The quantity
conform snugly to the item without causing puncture or
may be determined by any of the following ways or as
rupture of the wrap.
local conditions dictate:
f. Various cushioning materials are referenced
(1) The weight or size limits of the container.
primarily throughout this section and are generally
(2) The weight and size of a container that
applied as follows:
may reasonably be lifted and handled by one man (70
(1) Cellulosic or foam material is used to
cushion projecting surfaces to prevent rupture of wraps
(3) The size and shape of a container that will
and barrier bags and as an overwrap to protect fragile
permit palletizing.
and delicate components, and it is used to minimize or
i. When required, blocking and bracing will be
control item movement within barrier bags and
employed during the packing operation to provide
containers. It may also be used as dunnage to fill
physical and mechanical protection to the item(s). Free
container voids with irregularshaped items.
movement of the item(s) will be prevented, and
concentrated loads will be transformed to large areas or
vibration and shock from impact and is generally applied
faces of the container. General guidance is available in
to large or heavy items. This material may be used both
TM 38-230-2, and sample blocking format is referenced
in unit and shipping containers to distribute shock forces
over a large area by isolating the item from container
j. Basic issue items (BII) are ancillary items
surfaces. Heavier items (20 pounds and up) require a
needed for operation that are not assembled to the end
minimum 2-inch thickness to prevent "bottoming out" of
item for use but are used by the crew for operation of
the material when subjected to severe shock forces.
the end item. Common or special tools qualify if needed
(3) In some instances, it may be necessary to
for operation but repair parts are not included. End
employ both materials to prevent physical or mechanical
items may or may not have BII. When BII is applicable
damage to the item.
to the end items, the BII components will be processed
(4) Fiberboard sheet stock may also be used
as follows, except that cleaning will be by C-1 and
to cushion or separate items in containers.
drying by D-1 unless otherwise specified:
(5) When the type of cushioning material
Nonmetallic items (canvas, wood,
used within reusable metal or plastic containers is
plastic, etc.). Items will be cleaned with a clean, dry
known to the packaging activity, the same type of
brush or cloth. DO NOT APPLY preservatives. Where
cushioning material should be used for those items TM
746-10 when applying cushioning for nonreusable (wood
or fiberboard) containers.
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