![]() TM 746-10
appropriate stockage levels of each. Such a practice
shall be designated to maintain a realistic stockage level
can result in considerable monetary savings.
of dunnage, materials, and containers.
(1) End item disposal.
An item that is
d. Use of fast-pack containers.
scheduled for disposal and is packed in a reusable
specified in PPP-B-1672 are commonly known as fast
container may be disposed of with or without the
packs and will be used as often as possible for depot
The alternative providing the highest
shipments of reparable components to using activities.
estimated return shall be selected and implemented.
Items that should be shipped in fast packs include
delicate and fragile items that are susceptible to
(2) Container
damage in shipment, especially electronic items and
containers will continue to be used until they become
circuit cards that are vulnerable to electrostatic
They will then be withdrawn from
discharge (ESD) damage. Any item compatible in size
service for repair or overhaul. Repairs will not be
may be shipped in a fast pack. Field activities including
accomplished with the intent to return the container to a
overseas activities and continental United States
"like-new" condition. Only minimum repairs are required
(CONUS) installations will use the containers as often as
to make reusable containers suitable for return to
possible for the return shipment of items to depots or
other repair/ rebuild facilities. Although fast packs are
(3) Painting. Painting will be required on
identified as reusable containers, they are not
refurbished areas only when the repaired surfaces that
accountable items. Each receiving activity should reuse
require painting exceed 75 percent of the entire
the containers for the return of reparables and should
container area.
not return empty containers to shippers. See paragraph
(4) Marking.
precautionary, and special handling markings will be
for electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS) items.
perpetuated on the repaired containers.
All other
e. Reuse of foam-in-place (FIP) containers. Many
marking requirements will comply with the requirements
serviceable items, including engines and transmissions,
in paragraph 3-5 and MIL-STD-129.
are shipped to field units in total encapsulated FIP
packs. When packs are properly opened per the
b. Conditional reusable containers. When reusable
accompanying instructions, they can be reused by field
containers which are prescribed for specific items are
activities for returning unserviceable items to repair
not available and substitute containers are used, newly
depots (para 3-6j(5)).
designed cushioning materials and special cradling or
holddown devices must be identical in performance to
1-10. Care of Packaging Materials and Equipment
those retaining devices originally engineered for the
a. General. Although the conservation of packaging
item and its reusable container.
materials is necessary, the whole program must be well
c. Reusable metal drums. Metal drums, although
planned from the beginning.
Much effort can be
not subject to accountability, should be reused until
expended on the requisitioning of materials, but that
distorted beyond practical repair.
Drums having
effort will be wasted if the supplied are allowed to
extensively dented or otherwise damaged sealing lips
accumulate without being used. This situation usually
are unfit for further use and should be disposed of.
results when material is stored in a place or in a manner
that makes finding the desired material difficult or
Such a situation should definitely be
(1) Small military drums. Small standard
military drums are identified by a part number and
should be reused for small subassemblies that are of
b. Materials.
Containers that hold preservatives,
complex construction and are highly susceptible to
cleaning solvents, paint, and adhesives should be tightly
damage or deterioration during shipment or storage.
sealed and stored in an area where open flames will not
Split-ring closure-type, reusable, metal containers
Barrier materials, bags, fiberboard and
require cushioning and wrapping of the projections of
paperboard boxes, tapes, and labels should be stored in
the split-ring and exposed end of the protruding screws
an area that protects them from the elements.
for parcel post shipments.
(2) Metal inserts and dunnage.
c. Equipment. All packaging equipment should be
materiel is received packed in reusable metal drums
cleaned and placed in its normal storage area when not
and braced and cushioned with specially designed metal
in use. All power equipment should be lubricated per
inserts and dunnage, consideration should be given to
the applicable lubrication order. Moisture separators
salvaging the inserts and dunnage and maintaining
installed on compressed air supply lines should be
drained frequently. Clean
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