TM 55-5811-900-14
Figure 2-9. Transportability drawing, read-end elevation, M1015 full-tracked cargo carrier with shelter attached,
Trailblazer system.
storage containers are mounted on the top of each
b. The MCS (S-661/TSQ-138) and RSS (S-662/
trailer, at the rear, one on each side of the rear fuel cell.
TSQ-139) shelters. A telescoping antenna mast, fitted
A toolbox is also welded on the drawbar of each trailer.
with a folding direction-finding antenna and other
antennas, is mounted on the roof of each shelter. A
2-3. Equipment Configuration
hinged, protective shroud is placed over this antenna
The components of the system are shown in their
assembly when it is stowed. Hydraulic and pneumatic
shipping configuration in figures 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, and 2-7.
equipment for erecting and extending the masts is also
The MCS and RSS shelters are shown in figure 2-4; the
mounted on the shelter roofs. The mast, antenna
trailer support unit is shown in figure 2-5; and the M1015
assembly, and shroud protrude from the front of the
cargo carrier is shown in figures 2-6 and 2-7. Figures 2-
shelter. The MCS and RSS are also equipped with whip
8 and 2-9 show a shelter mounted on the M1015. These
antennas, which are removed for shipment.
figures indicate the dimensions of the extremities of the
c. Each shelter is equipped with an air conditioner
system components and their centers of gravity.
mounted internally at one end (rear) next to the door.
Also, a nuclear, biological, and chemical filter unit may
2-4. Characteristics and Related Data
be mounted behind the air conditioner on each unit;
Prior to shipment, the high frequency, guard, and voice
however, the filter unit must be removed for shipment
link antennas should be removed; if mounted, the
because it would create a protrusion from the rear.
chemical, biological, and radiological equipment at the
d. The trailer support units are 5-ton all-terrain
rear of the shelter should also be removed. These items
trailers equipped with a 30-kW diesel engine generator.
should be packaged separately for shipment. Special
A power cable is stowed on a cable reel mounted at the
attachments for shipment of these items are not
front of each trailer, on the road side. Two 125-gallon
required, the items should be secured in the bed of the
low-profile fuel cells are mounted to the top of each
carrier. The general transportability characteristics of
trailer; one is mounted forward of the engine generator,
each of the Trailblazer components are shown in table
and the other is to the rear of the generator. The engine
generator is mounted transverse to the trailer roll axis.
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