![]() TM 55-4920-416-13
NAVAER 17-15C-539
Section VI
disassembled. The knobs of the selector valves are not
removable since they contain part of the switching circuit. All
6-2. Troubleshooting of the VPT-7A is limited in scope for field
connections to the selector valves are made with special
operations. In order to make an accurate analysis of a specific
leakproof fittings and silicone rubber tubing.
cause of trouble , a functional test stand would be required.
Obviously, such a procedure does not lend itself to field
6-7. Slow leaks in the subassemblies are a result of dirty oil
operations. Therefore, the only corrective action to be taken in
sumps, check valves, and case leak valves and can be
the field is the removal and replacement of suspected
corrected by cleaning.
components. Removal of suspected components will be
limited to major assemblies. All components removed from the
6-8. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The electrical system is
units, in the event of failure, should be returned to depot for
concerned with supplying power to the pump motor and the
complete overhaul testing or recalibration.
indicator lamp on the front control valve deck. When an
electrical trouble is suspected reference should be made to the
6-3. TROUBLE ANALYSIS. Most frequently, trouble results
schematic wiring diagram, figure 1-4. For the location of
from not following operating instructions. Follow operating
malfunctioning electrical components, continuity tests with an
instructions to operate test set as described in Section IV; in
this manner the trouble can be located by determining which
the schematic diagram as a guide, are the most rapid and
operation or operations are not giving desired results. Detailed
efficient method.
descriptions illustrated by photographs make it possible to
identify component parts and understand their function and
6-9. VACUUM-PRESSURE SYSTEM. Troubles encountered
proper place in the test set.
in the pneumatic system will for the most part be detectable
during the operational tests described in paragraphs 4-36
6-4. All of the valve assemblies, coupling assemblies, sump
through 4-66. In this equipment, the possible pneumatic
assemblies, reservoir assemblies, etc, have been tested for
troubles are considerably greater than the possible electrical
leaks before and after assembly of test set to prevent
troubles. Maintenance personnel should refrain from making a
hasty analysis of trouble.
6-5. The reserve capacity of the pump will offset small losses
of pressure or vacuum for satisfactory operation. A fluctuating
instrument needle will indicate a leak too great to be offset by
6-11. Table 6-1 is a troubleshooting chart that lists symptoms,
the reserve capacity of the pump. A small leak in the test set
probably causes and suggested corrective action to be taken
will not interfere with a case leak test, since during case leak
for a number of possible malfunctions. The list is not all
testing the instrument under test is separated from the test set.
inclusive, troubles other than those listed may arise, and
maintenance personnel should try to ascertain the general
6-6. Needle valve could leak if an O-ring under an operating
nature of the trouble and take the necessary corrective action.
handle has become badly worn. The multiple selector vacuum
and pressure valves are integral units and are not to be
Indicator lamp out; motor runs.
Indicator lamp burned out.
Replace lamp.
Open lead to indicator lamp.
Repair or replace.
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