TM 55-4920-411-13&P
Section VI.
4-17. Procedures.
4-15. General.
a. For All Levels. Clean the test set thoroughly of all
Preparation for shipment and/or storage depends
contamination and debris. Use no cleaning fluids or pre-
upon whether test set is retained in unit area or evac-
servative materials. Package each test set individually.
uated. Storage in unit area, when authorized, is on a ro-
Each individual package can be shipped without pack-
tational basis and is known as Administrative Storage,
ing. Cushion the test set in 2 inches of one pound density
For Administrative Storage see TM 740-90-1.
polyethylene foam conforming to PPP-C-1752 and in-
clude eight units of desiccant conforming to MIL-D-3464
within the unit.
b. Unit Container. Provide a snug fitting unit con-
Select the level of protection which best suits the cir-
tainer as follows:
cumstances and follow the instructions for that level.
(1) Level A. Wood-cleated, plywood conforming to
a. Level A. Use this level if shipment in into or out
style I, overseas type of PPP-B-601.
of a combat theater or is destined for outdoor storage or
is destined for indoor storage exceeding five years.
(2) Level B. Weather-resistant fiberboard container
conforming to PPP-B-636.
b. Level B. Use this level if the shipment involves
overseas surface transit and/or is destined for indoor
(3) Level C. Domestic class fiberboard container
storage up to five years.
conforming to PPP-B-636.
c. Level C. Use this level if shipment is entirely
c. Marking. Mark all shipments in accordance with
within CONUS and storage will not exceed two years.
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