TM 55-4920-201-14
diameter of sleeve (3, figure 4-40). Insure that rotor
hub seats firmly on shoulder of sleeve or base of
plug (1) as applicable. Allow rotor arms to rest
against droop stops. Position pitch bearing
housings in flat position.
d. Install balancing arbor (6) downward
through center bore of bushing (2). Install quick-
disconnect coupling (10, figure 1-13) with 3 / 16-
inch suspension cable (13) on arbor suspension rod.
Install alternate hoist eye assembly (12) with
"quickie" coupling (11) on end ball of suspension
cable, and attach alternate hoist eye assembly to
suitable shop hoist (not supplied).
Since weight of the rotor head assembly
exceeds recommended limits for the 7A050
kit hoist arm structure, use of this hoist arm
with its hydraulic pump assembly is not
recommended in balancing of the rotor
head assembly.
e. Adjust suspended height of balancing arbor
1. Plug (2250, 7HEL054 and
(6, figure 4-40) so that 7-inch position on arbor
7HEL354 kits)
scale (7) aligns with top surface of sleeve (3).
2 . Bushing (2463, 7HEL054
and 7HEL354 kits)
f. Install hand wheel (26, figure 1-13) in
3 . Sleeve (2484, 7HEL354
bottom end of arbor, insuring that it seats firmly
against bottom of bushing (2, figure 4-40). Hoist
4 . Sleeve setscrew
entire assembly approximately inch off work
5 . Rotor hub assembly
stand. Check to insure that suspended assembly is
6. Balancing arbor (2259,
free from interference with work stand and other
7A050 kit)
objects, and note balance condition.
7 . Arbor scale
Figure 4-40. Balancer Installation - CH-47
In using available shop hoist for
Helicopter Rotor Head Assembly.
suspending rotor head assembly, care
should be exercised to avoid excessive
acceleration loading (jerking) of the
arbor suspension rod.
g. For balance tolerances and application of
balance corrections, refer to applicable helicopter
manual. (Refer to appendix A).
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