TM 55-4920-201-14
(8), using 3 / 32-inch hex wrench (2, figure 1-18).
b. Insert sleeve (9, figure 4-33) into tail rotor
counterweight support spacer, and install spacer
e. Push pitch control bracket bolts, part no.
between rotor hub trunnion and bottom surface of
AN-4-21A, radially outward with heads seated
counterweight support.
against blade pitch brackets. Insure that these bolts
c. Carefully lower tail rotor hub and flange
remain in this position throughout balancing
assembly (3), spacer, and counterweigh: support
over arbor and adapter piloting hub. Align blades
f. Install quick-disconnect coupling
with adapter support blocks (2), and insure that
(7HEL053 or 7A050 kit) on arbor suspension
weight of rotor assembly rests squarely on support
coupler, and suspend entire assembly free from
interference, and note the balance condition in-
dicated by black indicator disc at top end of the
d. Install bushing (5) over arbor and adapter
hub. Press tapered pilot on this bushing lightly into
upper counterbore of counterweight support, and
g. For balance tolerance and application of
lock bushing securely in this position by moderate
balance corrections, refer to applicable helicopter
and uniform tightening of two bushing setscrews
manual. (Refer to appendix A).
1. Adapter assembly (2522,
4 . Adapter setcrew
7. Arbor scale
7HEL053 kit)
8. Bushing setscrew
5. Bushing (2355, 7HEL053
2. Adapter support block
9. Sleeve (2356, 7HEL053
3. Tail rotor hub and blade
6. Balancing arbor (2516,
7HELO53 kit)
Figure 4-33. Balancer Installation - UH-19 Helicopter Tail Rotor Hub and Blade
Assembly - 105-inch-diameter Configuration with Movable Counterweights.
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