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TM 55-4920-201-14
d. Install part no. 2753 adapter (7A055 kit),
downward through propeller shaft nut and adapter,
hub downward over top end of arbor and push
seating rear bushing (4) on propeller shaft nut.
downward until its grooved ring engages the circle
e. Install part no. 2223 rear cone (11), hub
of positioning dowels in the rear face of the spinner
downward, over lower end of arbor. Hold in place.
assembly. Insure the adapter is firmly bottomed on
f. Install part no. 2203 spacer (12). Hold
the dowel screws.
spacers and cone.
e. Install 2266 quick-disconnect coupling
g. Install hand wheel (13) in lower end of
(7A050 kit) with 2264 cable (7A050 kit) on arbor
arbor, and tighten wheel to clamp rear cone (11)
suspension rod. Couple 2261 eye assembly to end
firmly into propeller cone seat.
ball of cable assembly using 2260-1 "quickie"
coupling (7A050 kit). Engage hoist eye with shop
h. Install plate (9), hub upward, over top end
hoist and suspend entire assembly free of in-
of arbor. Align plate pitch positioning pins, as
terference. Note balance indication at top of arbor.
applicable, with propeller blade pitch arms, and
secure plate temporarily by inserting propeller
f. For balance tolerances and application of
pitch arm link screws through plate pins and
balance corrections, refer to applicable propeller
propeller pitch arms.
maintenance handbook. (Refer to appendix A).
i. Position blade pitch in desired range, and
lock plate (9) on arbor by tightening plate setscrew
4-21. Models HC83X20, HC93Z20, - Piston and
with 1/8-inch hex wrench (8, figure 1-13).
Feathering Spring Removed. (See figure 4-10).
j. Install wedges (3, figure 4-10) between
a. Center propeller assembly (1), with front
propeller hub and blade butts. (See figure 4-7).
cylinder upward, on stand table assembly (1, figure
Insert wedges consistently from leading edge aider
of blades to insure symmetrical distribution of
weight, and tap wedges lightly to make certain that
b. Engage installing tool (7) in part no. 2453
play in blade bearings is taken up in a radially
adapter (2) as shown in figure 4-10. Insert adapter
outward direction.
upward through bottom of propeller hub, and
screw threaded end firmly into propeller shaft nut.
k. Install 3 / 16-inch suspension cable (13,
Disengage and remove installing tool from adapter.
figure 1-13) and quick disconnect coupling (10)
C. Install rear bushing (4), knurled hub up-
assembly on suepension rod at top end of arbor, and
ward, on balancing arbor (8) so that top surface
engage suspension cable in lifting plate of hydraulic
of bushing aligns with the 13 inch position on
pump  assembly.
arbor scale (6) when balancing the HC93Z20
l. Hoist entire assembly approximately
propeller, or the 13-3/4 inch position on arbor
inch off work stand. Check to insure that the
scale (8) when balancing the HC83X20 propeller.
suspended assembly is free from interference with
Lock bushing securely in this position
work stand and other objects, and note balance
by tightening bushing setscrew (5) with
condition indicated by the black indicator disc at
1/8 inch hex wrench (8, figure 1-13).
the top end of the arbor.
d. Install balancing arbor (8, figure 4-10)
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