TM 55-4920-201-14
Key to figure 4-6:
5. Arbor scale
1. Dome assembly
6. Rear cone set screw
7. Front cone (7A050 kit)
2. Propeller assembly
3. Rear cone (7A050 kit)
8. Spacers (7A050 kit) as required
4. Balancing arbor (2259,
9. Screw plug (2435, 7A052 kit)
7A050 kit)
10. Bushings (7A050 kit) as required
4-18. Model 53C51 with Dome Assembly. (See
of alternate hoist eye assembly (12) on end ball of
3 / 16-inch suspension cable (13) and quick-
disconnect coupling (10) assembly. Engage
Assembly shall not include dome cap, oil
coupling eye with suitable shop hoist. Install quick-
transfer tube, low pitch stop assembly, or
disconnect coupling on arbor suspension rod.
pitch lock assembly.
m. Hoist entire assembly approximately
inch off blade shank supports. Check to insure that
a. Arrange three auxiliary supports (saw
the suspended assembly is free from interference
horses or equivalent) for blade shanks of propeller
with blade shank supports and other objects, and
assembly (2) on floor under suitable shop hoist.
note the balance condition indicated by the black
indicator disc at the top end of the arbor.
b. Place propeller assembly, rear side of
propeller upward, on blade shank supports so that
n. For balance tolerance and application of
both upper and lower surfaces of propeller hub are
balance corrections, refer to applicable aircraft
maintenance manual.
c. Remove dome assembly (1) from propeller
4-19. Model 53C51 Spinner assembly (See figure
1-12, typical).
d. Instill rear cone (3), part no. 2228 (7A050
kit), hub upward, on balancing arbor (4) so that
upper surface of cone hub aligns with 20-inch
Since this spinner assembly cannot be
position on arbor scale (5).
accommodated on the 7A050 work stand
and hoist assembly, the larger half of the
7A050 case assembly, on the floor with its
The 20-inch position is 1 inch above upper
felt tray upward, is suggested as a con-
end of etched scale.
venient resting place for the spinner
assembly during installation and removal
e. Lock rear cone (3) securely in this position
of the balancing adapters. Use of available
by tightening rear cone setscrew (6) with 1/8 inch
standard shop hoist rather than the 7A050
hex wrench.
hoist, is recommended in this instance for
suspension of the balancing assembly.
f. Install arbor downward through propeller
hub, seating rear cone (3, figure 4-6) in rear cone
a. Install part no. 2582 adapter (7A055 kit)
hub upward, on lower end of part no. 2259
g. Install front cone (7), part no. 2208
balancing arbor (7A050 kit) so that top surface of
(7A050 kit), hub downward, over lower end of
its hub aligns with the 1 inch position on arbor
arbor. Hold in position.
scale. Lock adapter in this position on arbor with
h. Install bushing, part no. 2210 (7A050 kit),
adapter set screw, using 1/8 inch hex wrench
and bushing, part no. 2211 (7A050 kit), over lower
(7A050, 7A055 kits).
end of arbor. Do not lock bushing setscrews. Hold
b. Holding spinner front nut with commercial
bushings in position.
inch socket wrench (not supplied), screw part
i. Install the following spacers (8) in
no. 2582 adapter all the way into spinner front nut
sequence over lower end of arbor: Part no. 2202,
until flange of the adapter bottoms firmly on
If nece-
2203, and 2204 (7A050 kit).
spinner front support. Do not overtighten.
ssary, additional spacer part no. 2201,
c. Install part no. 2227 and 2228 cones
may be used.
(7A050 kit) over top end of arbor and seat them
j. Install screw plug (9) in lower end of arbor,
firmly against hub of 2582 adapter. These cones
and tighten plug to clamp cones firmly into
serve as counterweights to properly position the
propeller cone seats.
center of gravity of the balancing assembly.
k. Install dome assembly (1) over lower end
of balancing arbor, and secure dome temporarily by
hand tightening of dome retaining nut.
Change 3
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