fluid reservior in the balancing arbor, filled with nil,
arbor. is accomplishcd by adapter cones an
provides a dash-pot for dam ping out excessive
bushings. These components provide for sli
oscillation of the sensitive balance indication. Oil
f i t s on the balancing arbor and very c or
fill and drain holes are sealed by two screws on
centricity and squareness between arbor an
propeller mounting surfaces. They are of high-allo
opposite sides of the arbor near the upper end.
steel. heat treated to a high degree of har
Degree of oscillation damping may be regulated by
preclude wear of piloting surfaces, an
raising or lowering the dash-pot oil level or by using
oil of higher or lower viscosity.
plated on nonpiloting surfaces to mini
possibility of corrosion. Setscrews are provided for
locking cones and bushings in position on th
checked to insure that their axis of rotation
balancing arbor when desired.
coincides with the center-line of the balancing
Key to figure 1-13:
1. Stand table assembly
16. Storage. carrying. and
work support case (2272)
17. SAE 20, 30, 40, 50 and
2. Tube (2288) long, 2-7/8-
51 spline rear cones
inch diameter, with legs
(2223. 2205, 2207, and
( 2 8 ) (P/N 2364) stored
inside tube
18. Flange type 1, 2, 3, and 4
3. Pin-hoist support (2285)
rear bushing (2210)
4. Elbow (2284-1)
I O . Work stand stub leg
5. Elbow (2284-2)
6. Stand leg extensions
20. S p a c e r s ( 2 2 0 1 , 2 2 0 2 ,
2203 and 2204)
7. Stub leg (2366)
21. S A E 2 0 s p l i n e f r o n t
8. 1/8-Inch hex wrench
bushing (2211)
9 . Tube (2287) 2-7/8-inch
22. SAE 20, 30, 40, 50 and
dia. Normally
51 s p l i n e f r o n t c o n e s
inside tube (29) (part no.
(2224, 2206. 2208. and
2286) 3-inch dia.
10. Quick-disconnect coupling
23. Balancing arbor (2259)
24. Packing layout
11. "Quickie" Coupling
25. Flanged type 1,2,3, and 4
front plate (2209)
12. Alternate hoist eye
26. Hand wheel (2215)
assembly (2261)
27 . S a f e t y s p r i n g a r b o r
cable (2264)
28. Stand leg assemblie
cable (2262)
29. Tube (2286) 3-inch dia.
15. Hydraulic pump assembly
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