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pounds of weight actually suspended from the ram
piston. Engraved lines on the dial window indicate
load limits for the 7A050 balancing kit's 1/16.
7A050. (See figure 1-13).
inch and 3/16-inch suspension cables. The in-
1- 10. (General. The parts comprising propeller
tegral hydraulic fluid reservoir provides for years of
balancing kit 7A050 are packed in a finished
normal service without refilling. A pump valve
hardwood, portable storage and work support case.
provides for hypassing ram pressure to the fluid
The case measures 7 x 20 x 30 inches and, when
reservoir at closely controllable rates so that
packed with all kit parts, weighs 130 pounds. The
lowering of the hydraulic ram may be done quickly
kit can be quickly assembled without any tools,
or slowly as desired. A movable lifting plate on top
and. for  most  applications.  requires no  sup-
of the ram piston provides for engaging any one of
plemental shop facilities. It consists of work stand
the suspension cable balls.
and hoist structure components (1). (2), (3), (4),
1-13. Suspension Cables and Quick-disconnect
(5), (6). (7). (9), (15), (28). and (29); a 3/16.
Coupling Assemblies.. (See figure 1-13). The
inch suspension cable (13) and quick-disconnect
coupling  (10):  a  1/16-inch  suspension  cable
assembled to the quick-disconnect coupling (10),
(14):  altcrnate hoist eye assembly (12); sup-
incorporates a series of swaged balls, any one of
plementary coupling (11); balancing arbor (23); a
which may be engaged by the lifting plate of the
handwheel assembly (26);  spacers (20); and
hydraulic pump assembly. Choice of ball
adapters (17). (18). (22). and (25) for the in-
engagements provides an effective selection of cable
stallation and balance testing of propellers of SAE
lengths to accommodate the suspension of various
20 through SAE 50 spline size and for SAE flange
balancing assemblies. A second, shorter cable,
type 1, 2, 3, and 4. A spline front bushing (21) also
incorporating an alternate hoist eye assembly (12)
is provided for the installation and balance testing
and "quickie" coupling (11), may be quickly
of propellers having a cylindrical insert in place of
coupled to the end of the first cable for use with
the 30-degree front seat. Recommended maximum
regular shop hoists if desired. A third suspension
load limit for suspension  of assemblies to be
cable (14) similar to the first but having a diameter
balance checked is ,550 pounds. This limit provider
of 1/16 inch, is provided for use with extremely
a large safety factor for all kit components.
light loads if desired. Its terminal fitting provides
1-11. Work Stand and Hoist. (See figure 1-3).
for assembly in quick-disconnect coupling (10) in
The work stand and hoist structure are comprised
place  of  the  3/16-inch  cable.  The  quick-
of demountable components for convenient storage
disconnect coupling provides for instantaneous
in the 7A050 balancing kit storage case. When
engagement  a n d d i s e n g a g e m e n t ` w i t h t h e
assembled. the two tubular legs, a circular stand
s u s p e n s i o n rod of the balancing arbor. The
casting. and the reinforced bottom half of the
coupling is so designed that, while normal no-load
storage case form the work stand upon which the
coupling and uncoupling are accomplished easily
assemblies are prepared for balancing. The work
with one hand, it cannot be disengaged under load.
stand has sufficient  strength and rigidity for
1-14. Balancing Arbor (23), figure 1-13). The
supporting the propeller and helicopter assemblies
balancing arbor, upon which an assembly to be
described in this handbook with a large safety
balance checked is mounted, is of the horizontal
factor. Thc overhead hoist structure eliminates a
suspension type and features. high sensitivity and
requirement for auxiliary shop hoists in most
accuracy. The arbor is so designed that there are no
application of the balancing kit, and the offset
internal wearing surfaces; consequently, there is no
support arm provides for freedom of movement in
frictional resistance or requirement for internal
performing balancing operations and from in-
inspection, reconditioning, or parts replacement.
terference with suspended loads. The upper arm of
An integral fail-safe feature effectively prevents
the hoist structure incorporates a hydraulic pump
dropping of a suspended load in case of internal
assembly which providcs for precisely controlled
suspension failure. External load-bearing and
suspension of assemblies to be balance checked.
piloting surfaces of the arbor are nitrided. The
(12.) Hydraulic Pump Assembly (15, figure 1-
bottom end of the arbor is internally threaded to
13). The hydraulic, pump assembly contains a
receive a hand wheel assembly which supports
manually-operated pressure pump and integral
arbor loads and provides for clamping adapters and
hydraulic  ram deigned for .cable suspension of
balance loads securely in position. The top end of
ads. through the hollow center of the ram piston.
the arbor suspension rod is machined for
Ram cylinder pressure is continuously indicated by
engagement with the quick-disconnect coupling. A
a load indicating gage, which calibrated in

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