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TM 55-4240-284-12&P
(2) Place looped end of safety strap in
(3) Replace a defective seat blade latch-
position and insert safety strap anchor bolt, in-
ing hook or latching hook spring as required.
suring there are no twists in the safety strap. ln-
d. Installation.
stall washer (item 4) and nut (item 5).
(1) Position the seat blade latching hook
(3) Adjust safety strap to its maximum
(item 17) and align the mounting bolt holes.
( 2 ) Install the latching hook mounting
(4) Fold safety strap as in figure 2-1 and
bolt (item 21), spacers (item 14) and latching
stow in accordance with figure 2-2.
hook spring (item 13). Install the latching hook
3-8. Eyebolt.
spring so that tension is applied to hold the latch-
ing hook toward the rescue seat body.
a.  Description. The eyebolt (item 2, fig. 3-1)
is threaded on one end and the other end is for-
(3) Replace washer (item 12) and nut
med into a loop approximately 1 1/4 inches in di-
(item 18) and tighten the nut.
ameter. Immediately adjacent to the loop is a
e.  L u b r i c a t i o n . Lubricate the pivot points
shoulder which seats against the body. The hoist
with light weight lubricating oil and check the
cable attaches to rescue seat eyebolt.
latching hook for proper operation.
(1) Inspect the loop of the eyebolt for
3-7. Safety Strap Assembly.
cracks and wear.
a . Description. The safety strap (item 6) is
(2) Ascertain that the cotter pin is secure
constructed of type Vll nylon webbing. One end is
and that it passes through seat body and eyebolt.
looped and permanently attached to the seat body
The ends of cotter pin should protrude far enough
by a bolt (item 8), washer (item 4) and nut (items
through seat body to be separated with each
8, 4 and 5). The opposite end of the safety strap
prong bent in a circular motion back to the seat
has an adjustable snap fastener (item 15). The
safety strap is constructed with velco fastener at-
tached, which provides a means to close safety
(3) Eyebolt must be tight. If it can be
strap cover when straps are stowed in stowage
moved in the seat body and if a new cotter pin
compartments of the cover.
will not eliminate the slack, replace the eyebolt.
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect safety straps for cuts, tears,
(1) Remove cover assembly as outlined
broken, loose, or missing stitching.
(2) Inspect safety strap for stains or sign
(2) Remove cotter pin (item 7) from eye-
bolt and body assembly (item 11).
(3) Inspect ejector lever in locked posi-
(3) Unscrew eyebolt (item 2) from seat
tion for secure seating and for ease in opening.
d. Installation.
( 1 ) Unsnap snap hook (item 15) from
(1) Screw new eyebolt with washer into
snap hook anchor bolt (item 8).
seat body, tighten with a torque wrench to 300 to
600 inch-pounds.
(2) Remove snap hook anchor bolt nut
(item 5) and washer (item 4).
(2) Drill .140 diameter hole in eyebolt us-
ing hole in body assembly as a guide. Do not drill
(3) Remove snap hook anchor bolt (item
hole until eyebolt is secured as outlined above.
8) and safety strap (item 6).
( 3 ) Insert cotter pin and separate the
d. Installation.
protruding ends. Grasp the right protruding prong
(1) Position rescue seat in vertical posi-
of cotter pin with appropriate size pliers and turn
tion with nose down. Attach snap hook to snap
in clockwise motion until end of prong is resting
hook anchor bolt in such a way that the running
against seat body. Repeat operation with left pro-
end of safety strap is on top (fig. 2-1).
truding end, only turn in counterclockwise mo-

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