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TM 55-4240-284-12&P
(2) Rescue of two or three men: Rescue-
es maintain a low profile as possible in the knee-
Make certain that the hoist cable is not
ling or crouched position. They don and tighten
fouled in the safety strap.
safety straps as in (1) above. Two men mount seat
as in figure 2-7. Three men will mount rescue seat
d. Normal rescue of one, two, or three indi-
viduals not exposed to hostile fire.
as in figure 2-8. Signal helicopter when ready for
(1) One man rescue. Assume kneeling
position with the rescue seat in a vertical position
and with nose of seat assembly resting on the
Rescue of injured personnel or rescue
ground. Remove nearest safety strap from cover
under any type of emergency oper-
pocket (fig. 2-4). Pass the safety strap over head
ations. The rescuee always dons and
and shoulders (fig. 2-5). Push nearest seat blade
tightens the safety strap. Personnel can
`down into locked position. Mount seat and tighten
safety strap (fig. 2-6). Safety strap must be under
mounted on the seat.
armpits. Signal helicopter by radio or by vig-
orously shaking the hoist cable from side to side
2-6. Hoisting Personnel to Helicopter.
when ready for retrieval.
Personnel being retrieved will be instructed to
observe the following procedures during ascent to
the helicopter:
Make certain that the hoist cable is not
entangled with any part of body before
a.  Hold the rescue seat blade tightly against
signaling hoist operator.
the crotch until the cable slack is taken up.
(2) TWO man rescue. The number one
b. Keep hands below and away from the
man assumes position with rescue seat as in (1)
hoist cable swivel. When two individuals are being
above. He removes nearest safety strap and pass-
retrieved, they should hug each other.
es it over head and shoulders. He pushes the two
c.  Keep heads close to the rescue seat body
nearest seat blades into locked position. He
to avoid entrapping tree branches.
mounts the two seat blades, one blade under each
leg, and tightens safety strap. He now assumes a
d. Upon reaching the helicopter, do not at-
crouched position, holding the rescue seat verti-
tempt to dismount the rescue seat until instructed
cally with the seat blades firmly against his legs.
to do so by helicopter crewman.
The number two man removes the remaining safe-
e.  Do not attempt to assist helicopter cre-
ty strap which is directly above the remaining
wman when entering helicopter unless instructed
seat, passes it over his head and shoulders, and
to do so.
pushes the remaining seat blade down to locked
position. He then mounts the seat with his legs
f. If for any reason the rescue seat must be
over the top of the legs of the number one man
retrieved unloaded, ground personnel will be in-
(fig. 2-7). The number two man tightens safety
structed to fold the seat blades and stow the safe-
strap and signals helicopter that they are ready
ty straps in the cover.
for retrieval.
2-7. Dismounting Retrieved Personnel.
(3) Three man rescue. When retrieving
When the rescue seat has been hoisted to the
three men, each man dons a safety strap as pre-
helicopter, personnel being retrieved will be dis-
scribed in (1) above, straddles a seat blade, and
mounted from the rescue seat by a helicopter cre-
tightens his safety strap (fig. 2-8). Signal heli-
wman as follows:
copter to begin the retrieval.
a.  Turn the rescue seat so that the man be-
ing retrieved faces away from the helicopter,
e.  Retrieval of one, two, or three men in a
hostile environment or when injured or wounded.
b. Pull the seat into the helicopter, disengage
(1) Rescue of one man. The rescuee as-
the safety strap snap hook from its anchor bolt,
sumes a prone position beside the rescue seat. He
and allow the man to dismount.
dons the safety strap and tightens it. He pushes
c. When two men are being retrieved, the
the nearest seat blade into locked position be-
man whose legs are on top will be pulled in first.
tween his legs and signals helicopter that he is

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