TM 55-3805-262-14
Section I. GENERAL
commercial semitrailers of adequate capacity.
5-1. Scope
Since tractors and semitrailers normally exceed
This chapter provides highway transportability
dimensional and/or weight limitations in CONUS
guidance for movement of the MW24C scoop load-
and overseas, special permits are required in
er. It covers technical data and safety consider-
CONUS (AR 55-162), and special routing may be
ations and prescribes the materials and guidance
required for overseas movement.
required to prepare, load, tie down, and unload the
5-5. Transport on M870 Semitrailer
a. General. The MW24C scoop loader/M870 com-
5-2. Safety
bination load in its operational configuration ex-
In addition to the safety precautions contained in
ceeds height and width limitations. The width,
chapter 3, movement is subject to all safety laws,
107.5 inches (2.73 meters), is not a serious prob-
rules, and regulations applicable to commercial
lem, since permits may be applied for without the
carriers. Overseas, such movements are governed
loader being certified as essential to national
by theater regulations.
defense. Since the ROP/FOPS can be removed to
reduce the height, the loader can be transported
without certification.
Vehicles must not exceed 3 miles per hour
b. Materials. Adequate bracing and tiedown ma-
during loading and unloading.
terials are provided by the shipping activity. Fig-
5-3. General
shows bracing material detail, and figure 5-3 is an
The vehicle is considered self-deliverable, except
end view of the vehicle on the semitrailer. Tables
on roads where the minimum speed is higher than
the loader's maximum speed.
down of this vehicle.
c. Loading. The loader may be placed in the
5-4. Transport on Semitrailer
tiedown position on a semitrailer by a crane of
adequate capacity, or it may be driven onto the
The MW24C scoop loader, loaded on a semitrailer,
semitrailer, provided ramps are available. When
may be transported over highways. Movement
the loader is in the tiedown position, the transmis-
over public highways in CONUS and overseas
sion shift lever should be placed in the neutral
should be made only when other modes of trans-
position and wire-tied. Also, the brakes should be
port are not available or practical. Highway ship
set and air tanks drained.
ments may be made using either military or
Figure 5-1. Tiedown of MW24C scoop loader on M870 semitrailer.
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