TM 55-3805-248-14
Section I. GENERAL
5-1. Scope.
The tires of the tractor-scraper are not
This chapter provides highway transportability
capable of withstanding excessive heat
guidance for the movement of the tractor-scraper,
generated by extensive highway travel.
wheeled, M621B. It covers significant technical
This excessive heat can cause sudden tire
and physical characteristics, as well as safety
failure. To drive an empty tractor-scraper
concerns, and prescribes the materials and guid-
for more than 20 highway miles, the
ance required to prepare, load, tie down, and
front axle tires must be inflated to 55 psi
unload the vehicle.
and the rear axle tires deflated to 25 psi.
Maximum highway speed should be lim-
5-2. Safety.
ited to 20 mph. After 2 hours of sus-
In addition to the safety precautions contained in
tained highway travel, the vehicle should
stop for 30 minutes for a cooling period.
rules, and regulations applicable to commercial
After the second stop, or 4 hours total
carriers. Overseas, such movements are governed
highway travel, the vehicle should stop
by theater regulations. Vehicle transmission must
for a l-hour cooling period. For every 2
be placed in the neutral position and the park
stops or every 4 hours of highway travel,
brake on (air removed).
the cycle should be repeated. For all
other highway operations that do not
Vehicle speed must not exceed 3 mph
meet the conditions described in this
during loading or unloading.
caution, the Goodyear Off-the-Road De-
5-3. General.
partment, telephone (216) 796-2010,
Akron, Ohio should be contacted.
The vehicle is considered self-deliverable only
Movement over public highways will not be at-
under appropriate tactical conditions. The tractor-
tempted without specific approval. The 136-inch
scraper, M621B, when empty, has a maximum
width exceeds limitations in CONUS and over-
range of 176 miles (283 km) and a maximum
speed of 31 miles per hour (50 km/h).
5-4. Transport of Tractor-Scraper,
of the ROPS/FOPS cab only lowers the height 9
inches and lessens the weight 1,000 pounds.
M621B by Semitrailer.
5-6. Transport of Tractor-Scraper,
When loaded on semitrailers, the tractor-scraper
can be transported over highways; however,
M621B on M870 Semitrailer Towed by
movement over public highways in CONUS and
M920 Truck Tractor.
overseas should be made only when other trans-
a. General. The combined length of the tractor
port modes cannot be used. When highway ship-
and semitrailer (65 feet) exceeds the generally
ments must be made, this vehicle should be
accepted CONUS and overseas standards. The
loaded onto military or commercial low-bed
height (195 inches or 16 feet, 3 inches) severely
semitrailers of adequate capacity. In addition to
limits bridge clearance. Additionally, the width,
the limitations and restrictions identified in para-
tandem axle loads, and gross vehicle weight
exceed highway limits in most countries. Where
CONUS and overseas are exceeded when the
limits are exceeded, special permits and special
tractor-scraper is loaded on a semitrailer.
routing are required.
b. Materials. The bill of materials for blocking
5-5. Preparation
of Tractor-Scraper.
and tiedown of the tractor-scraper on the M870
The vehicle will not be reduced, because removal
semitrailer is shown in table 5-1.
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