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Page Title: Special Requirements for Fissile Radioactive Material (49 CFR 176.700)
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TM 55-315
c. Mailbags may not be stowed in the same hold with radioactive materials.
d. Household goods may not be stowed in the same hold or compartment with radioactive materials.
e. The following requirements apply to the stowage of packages of radioactive materials aboard a vessel with
regards to transport indexes, which are shown on the labels of individual packages:
(1) The sum of the transport indexes of any group of packages may not exceed 50. Each group of packages
must be separated by at least 20 feet from all other packages bearing radioactive yellow labels. This separation
requirement does not apply to low specific activity or to a full load if the consignor has exclusive use of the entire vessel
and if the sum of the transport indexes of any group of Fissile Class II packages does not exceed 50.
(2) The sum of the transport indexes of all packages of radioactive materials onboard a vessel may not exceed
(3) Packages bearing radioactive yellow labels may not be stowed any closer to persons or undeveloped film
than distances specified in figure 13-1.
f. A package of radioactive materials which, in still air, has a surface temperature more than 5 (9 ) above the
ambient air may not be over-stowed with any other cargo. If the package is stowed under deck, the hold or compartment
in which it is stowed must be ventilated.
g.  A person may not remain unnecessarily in a hold compartment or on deck near any package containing
radioactive materials. A person may not be exposed to a total of more than 100 millirem in any 7-day period or more
than 500 millirems per year, whole body dose.
h. The radiation level in any space of areas continuously occupied by passengers, crew, or shipments of animals
may not exceed 0.5 millirem per hour.
i. If a shipment of radioactive materials requires supplemental operation procedures, the shipper shall furnish the
master or person in charge of the vessel a copy of the necessary operational instructions.
j. Any material listed in "The Hazardous Materials" table of 49 CFR 172. 101, of which its storage requirements are
listed in column 7 as "on deck," may be stowed "under deck" on an unmanned barge. (49 CFR 176.98)
13-9. Special Requirements for Fissile Radioactive Material (49 CFR 176.700)
Each Fissile Class III shipment must be stowed in a separate hold or compartment and must be stowed and handled at
least 20 feet from all other packages bearing radioactive yellow labels.
13-10. Shipment of Radioactive Materials by Barge (49 CFR 176.96)
Unless otherwise approved by the Commandant, US Coast Guard (G-MTH, Washington, DC, (202) 267-2967) only
barges constructed of steel are permitted to carry hazardous materials.
13-11. Care After Leakage or Sifting of Radioactive Materials (49 CFR 176.710)
a. In case of fire, collision, or breakage involving any shipment of radioactive materials, other than materials of low
specific activity, the package of material must be segregated from unnecessary contact with personnel. In case of
obvious leakage, or if the inside container appears to be damaged, the stowage area (hold, deck area, or compartment)
containing this cargo must be isolated as much as possible to prevent radioactive material from entering any person's
body through contact, inhalation, or ingestion. No person may handle the material or remain in the vicinity unless
supervised by a qualified person.
b. A hold or compartment in which leakage of radioactive materials has occurred may not be used for other cargo
until it is decontaminated according to the requirements of paragraph 3-12.
c. For reporting requirements, see 49 CFR 171.15 (chap 7).
13-12. Contamination Control (49 CFR 176.715)
Each hold, compartment, or deck area used for the transport of low specific activity radioactive material as a full load
must be surveyed with appropriate radiation detection instruments, after each use. It may not be used again until the
radiation dose rate at any accessible surface is less than 0. 5 millirem per hour and there is no significant removable
radioactive surface contamination remaining (paras 3-9 and 3-10).

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