TM 55-315
3-8. Determination of Nonfixed Radioactive Contamination (49 CFR 173.433(a))
The level of nonfixed radioactive contamination may be determined by wiping an area of 300 square centimeters of the
surface concerned with an absorbent material, using moderate pressure, and measuring the activity on the wiping
material. Sufficient measurements shall be taken in the most appropriate locations to yield a representative assessment
of the nonfixed contamination levels. The amount of radioactivity measured on any single wiping material, when
averaged over the surface wiped, is the contamination level.
3-9. Contamination Limits for Conveyance of Low Specific Activity Materials
Dependent on particular parameters, low specific activity (LSA) materials may be transported by exclusive-use
conveyances or by conveyances that do not meet exclusive use requirements. (49 CFR 173.443 and 173.425 (general),
49 CFR 176.715(a) (vessel), 49 CFR 175.705 (aircraft), 49 CFR 174.715 (rail))
a. Conveyances That do not Meet the Requirements of Exclusive Use or Exclusive-Use Closed Transport
Vehicles but are Used to Transport Low Specific Activity Materials. Any transport vehicle, vessel hold, vessel
compartment, deck area, aircraft, or railcar used for transporting LSA materials must be surveyed after each use with
appropriate radiation detection instruments. The conveyance must not be used again until the radiation dose rate at any
accessible surface is not more than 0.5 millirem per hour and the removable (non-fixed) radioactive surface
contamination, as measured per paragraph 3-8 above is insignificant.
(1) Unpackaged (bulk) LSA materials shall be transported only in exclusive-use closed transport vehicles (49
CFR 173.425(c)).
(2) Packaged LSA materials that are excepted from specification packaging, marking, and labeling may not
be transported by aircraft (49 CFR 175.705 (b)).
(3) Aircraft used routinely for transporting radioactive materials shall be periodically checked for radioactive
contamination. The frequency of checks shall be related to the likelihood of contamination and the extent to which
radioactive materials are carried (49 CFR 175.705(a)).
b. Exclusive-Use Conveyances, Including Transport Vehicles (49 CFR 173.443(c)), Railcars (49 CFR 174.715(a)),
Vessels (49 CFR 176.715(a)), and Air-craft (49 CFR 175.705). Exclusive-use conveyances shall be surveyed after each
use with appropriate radiation detection instruments. They shall not be used again until the radiation dose rate at each
accessible surface is 0.5 millirem, or less, per hour and the removable (nonfixed) radioactive surface contamination is
c. Exclusive-Use Closed Transport Vehicles and Exclusive-Use Railcars (49 CFR 173.443(d)).
conveyances shall be surveyed after each use with appropriate radiation detection instruments. They shall not be used
again until the radiation dose rate at each accessible surface does not exceed 10 millirems per hour at the surface or 2
millirems per hour at 1 meter (3.3 feet) from the surface. These conveyances must be stenciled with the words "FOR
RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS USE ONLY" in lettering at least 3 inches (76 millimeters) high in a conspicuous place on
both exterior sides of the vehicle. The vehicles must remain closed except for loading or unloading.
3-10. Contamination Limits for Conveyances Used to Transport Radioactive Materials Other Than Low Specific
Activity Materials
The contamination limits for conveyances used to transport radioactive materials other than LSA materials are the same
as those limits outlined in paragraph 3-9 above.
3-11. Contamination Limits of Packaging
The level of nonfixed (removable) radioactive contamination on the external surfaces of each package offered for
shipment shall be kept as low as practicable. However, there are three different categories for the contamination limits of
a. Based on the methods outlined in paragraph 3-8, the contamination level on the external surfaces of the
package shall not exceed the limits listed in table 3-1. Other assessment methods of equal or greater efficiency may be
used if they are according to 49 CFR 173.443(a).
b. On the external surfaces of packages transported in exclusive-use shipments by rail or only on public highways,
the contamination level at the beginning of transport shall not exceed the limits listed in table 3-1. However, during
transport, the contamination level on the outer surfaces may increase, but it shall not be allowed to exceed 10 times the
limits listed in table 3-1. The exclusive-use railcar or transport vehicle must meet the requirements outlined in paragraph
3-9b above.
c. Packages shipped in closed transport vehicles and only over public highways may have exterior surface
contamination levels up to 10 times the limits listed in table 3-1. The exclusive-use closed transport vehicle must meet
the requirements listed in paragraph 3-9c above.
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