TM 55-315
7-10. Control of Release of Information
will not be given to local police officers or to representatives of the press. The senior person present will make such
answers to the local police as are required by law to complete their report but will not discuss the nature of the lading
except to indicate the need for the required safety measures taken.
b. Relations with the press and release of information to the public concerning nuclear accidents and incidents will
be governed by AR 360-5.
7-11. Interagency Radiological Assistance
a. The Federal Interagency Radiological Assistance Plan, whose main proponents are the Department of Defense
and the Department of Energy (DOE), provides the procedures and the resources for the expeditious supply of effective
radiological assistance to anyone requesting it in case of a radiological accident/incident. This plan is administered for
the military services through the Joint Nuclear Accident Coordination Center (JNACC), located in Washington, DC.
b. Any military or DOE installation receiving a request for radiological aid will contact, according to existing plan, the
appropriate higher headquarters to initiate action under the JNACC procedures.
(1) The Army headquarters with jurisdiction in the area of the accident will be notified. Army area headquarters,
with addresses and telephone numbers, are given in table 7-1.
(2) DOE Regional Office areas of responsibility for radiological assistance in accidents/incidents involving
radioactive materials, together with the addresses and telephone numbers, are listed in figure 7-1.
7-12. Requirements for Escorts
a. Shipments made according to Section 832C of the Transportation of Explosives Act (18 USC 832C) for national
security will require technical escort. Technical escorts will be used when required by AR 385-11 or at any time that the
responsible commander considers it appropriate. The technical escort, when used, will accompany a shipment of
radioactive materials in a separate vehicle (highway or railcar).
b. Provisions for the use of technical escorts (as distinguished from military guards) and vehicles, when needed,
together with appropriate orders to assure the continuous technical surveillance and safety of the material during the
movement is the responsibility of the originating installation.
c. Military guards, when necessary for protection of Army radioactive materials (chap 8), will be arranged for
according to AR 380-55.
d. Classified shipments will be made according to AR 380-55.
7-13. Composition and Capabilities of Technical Escorts
a. Technical escorts (AR 385-11 and AR 740-32) will consist of personnel from the US Army Technical Escort Unit
(USATEU, ATTN: SMCTE, APG, MD 21010) or qualified and responsible DA military or civilian personnel. Escorts will
have a security clearance equal to the highest security clearance of the material they are to escort. The escort personnel
radiation training and experience and the radiac equipment must be equal to the radiological hazard of the material being
b. Besides radiation safety equipment, technical escorts will include as part of their equipment one fire extinguisher
with a minimum Underwriter Laboratories (UL) rating at 4 A 30 B: C and one multipurpose fire extinguisher with a
minimum UL rating of 10 A 40 B: C. In highway movement, the multipurpose fire extinguisher will be carried on the
escort vehicle and the 4 A 30 B: C fire extinguisher on the commodity transport vehicle, within reach. In rail shipment,
the firefighting equipment will be carried in the railcars in which the escorts travel. Escort personnel will be able to
operate all firefighting equipment issued.
7-14. Procedures for Obtaining Technical Escort Service From the USATEU (AR 385-11)
Installations requiring technical escort service will furnish quarterly schedules (to cover subsequent two quarters) to Cdr,
AMCCOM, ATTN: AMSMCRDP-O, Rock Island, IL 61299-6000, for all known or expected moves. (Include data
required by AR 740-32. ) Detailed information for each move should be sent to Cdr, USATEU, ATTN: SMCTE,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010.
a. A minimum of 7 days before the desired shipping date, for CONUS shipments.
b. A minimum of 60 days before the shipping date, outside CONUS. Emergency requests should be made by the
quickest means, followed by confirmation in writing.
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