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Page Title: Action to be Taken in Case of an Accident Involving Radioactive or Fissile Materials (AR 385-40)
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TM 55-315
c. If several persons have become contaminated or the contamination on a person is not localized to a small portion
of the body, the following decontamination procedures will be used:
(1) The person will stand under a tepid shower.
(2) Using a mild toilet soap, the person will cover entire body with lather.
(3) While still covered with lather, the person will step out of shower.
(4) An assistant will sprinkle a heavy coat of mild soapflakes all over the lathered person. (Purpose of lather is
to cause soapflakes to adhere to person.)
(5) Using his hands, the contaminated person will rub the soapflakes on his body into a paste.
(6) The person will then return to shower and rinse soap off his body, starting at the top and working down.
The person must rub body surfaces with his hands while rinsing to remove soap paste. Soap paste
will remain in those areas that have not been thoroughly washed. Although a soft cloth may be used,
a brush may not. Particular attention should be given to hairy portions of the body.
(7) When the person has rinsed himself to the point that he no longer feels slimy and while still under shower, an
assistant will examine him for traces of soap. The presence of soap will indicate which areas of the body have not been
(8) After removing all traces of soap, the person will leave the shower and dry off.
(9) After drying off, the person will be monitored. If he is still generally contaminated, procedures will be repeated.
7-8. Action to be Taken in Case of an Accident Involving Radioactive or Fissile Materials (AR 385-40)
The senior person will:
a. If radioactive materials are exposed or if contamination is suspected, establish an exclusion area to prevent the
general public from inadvertent exposure to radiation or contamination.  Accept local assistance if required.  The
exclusion area will be maintained until the appropriate radiological team certifies that the danger is past.
b. Take such other emergency action as the situation requires (rescue operations, firefighting, and so forth).
c. Notify the nearest military installation and request immediate assistance, giving pertinent information as follows:
(1) Location and nature of accident.
(2) Emergency procedures initiated.
(3) Type of materials involved and help required.
d. Request that shipping installation be notified at earliest possible time.
e. Notify, by telephone or electrical means, HQDA (DACS-FS, AUTOVON 225-7291, and DASG-PSP-E, AUTOVON
289-0132) and HQ USAMC (AMCSF-P, AUTOVON 284-9340). Also notify the Commander, MTMC (MT-SS, AUTOVON
289-1109). During nonduty hours, notify the Army Operations Center (AUTOVON 225-0441), indicating which offices
must be notified.
f.  Prepare an on-the-scene report, which will detail all pertinent factors contributing to the accident and the
emergency measures taken to protect personnel and property. This report will be submitted within 24 hours to the safety
office of the shipping installation, with copies to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, ATTN: DAPE-HRS, Department
of the Army, Washington, DC 20310-0300; the Commander, MTMC, ATTN: MT-SS, Falls Church, VA 220415050; and
to the safety officer of the Army installation providing assistance. If military vehicles are involved, this report will be
made in addition to the reports required by AR 385-40.
7-9. Action to be Taken in Case of an Incident Involving Radioactive or Fissile Materials
The senior person present will:
a. Take the required precautions to protect personnel and property and to prevent development of the incident into
an accident.
b. Notify the nearest military installation and request assistance if required.
c. Notify the shipping installation and request instructions to safely complete mission.
d. Prepare an on-the-scene report, which will detail the emergency measures taken and the assistance requested
and rendered to reduce the incident.
e. Report incidents to the safety director of the shipping installation within 24 hours. The safety officer will submit a
written report within 5 days to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, ATTN: DAPE-HRS, Department of the Army,
Washington, DC 20310-0300; the Commander, MTMC, ATTN: MT-SS, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050; and to such other
command levels as required.

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