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TM 55-315
4-29. LSA Materials Not Meeting Exclusive-Use Exemption Checklist
The following questions require a yes answer to assure that packaging requirements have been met for LSA materials
not meeting exemption criteria. .Necessary actions must be taken to ensure that a yes answer can be given to each
question before shipment.
a. If applicable, does the material meet the requirements for shipping pyrophoric materials? (4-4f)
b. Is the package free of radioactive surface contamination? (4-4h)
c. Are radiation dose rate requirements met? (4-4i, J)
d. If applicable, are export requirements met? (4-4k)
e. Was required package examination performed before first and subsequent shipments? (4-41, m)
f. Is package temperature equilibrium requirement met? (4-4n)
g. Does the packaging meet the requirements for packaging normal-form radioactive materials? (See checklist para
4-30. General Packaging Requirements Checklist
The following questions require a yes answer to assure that the general packaging requirements are met. Necessary
actions must be taken to assure that a yes answer can be given to each question before
a. Does the package have the proper seal? (4-4b)
b. Is the smallest outside dimension 4 inches or greater? (4-4c)
c. Is the package shielding and leak tightness adequate? (4-4d)
d. Is the package heat dissipation adequate? (4-4e)
e. If applicable, does the material meet the requirements for shipping pyrophoric materials? (4-5)
f. Is the package free of radioactive surface contamination? (4-4h)
g. Are radiation dose rate requirements met? (4-4i, J)
h. If applicable, are export requirements met? (4-4k)
i. Was required package examination performed before first and subsequent shipments? (4-41, m)
j. If a liquid radioactive material, are the leak-resistance and corrosion-resistance requirements
met? (4-4g)
k. Is the package temperature equilibrium requirement met? (4-n)
l. Is there an adequate package quality assurance program? (4-5)
m. Are the applicable specification container requirements met? (4-6)
n. Were adequate materials used in package construction? (4-7)
4-31. Special-Form Radioactive Materials Checklist
The following questions require a yes answer to assure that the special requirements for packaging of radioactive
materials in special form are met. Necessary actions must be taken to assure that a yes answer can be given to each
question before shipment of radioactive materials in special form.
a. Is the required certification and safety analysis available? (4-8)
b. If required, has the Certificate of Competent Authority been obtained? (4-8)
c. For Type A quantities, are questions (1) and (2) below answered yes?
(1) Are the applicable requirements for Type A packaging met? (See checklist 4-33.)
(2) Are the applicable specification containers being used? (4-12a)
d. For Type B quantities, are questions (1) and (2) below answered yes?
(1) Are the applicable requirements for Type B packaging met? (See checklist 4-34.)
2) Are the applicable specification containers being used? (4-12b)
e. For large quantities, are the applicable specification containers being used? (4-12c)
4-32. Normal-Form Radioactive Materials Checklist
The following questions require a yes answer to assure that the special requirements for packaging of radioactive
materials in normal form are met. Necessary actions must be taken to assure that a yes answer can be given to each
question before shipment of radioactive materials in normal form.
a. Are the applicable requirements for Type B packaging met? (See checklist 4-34.)
b. Are the applicable specification containers being used? (4-11b)
c. For large quantities, are the applicable specification containers being used? (4-11c)
4-33. Type A Packaging Checklist
The following questions require a yes answer to assure that packages for Type A quantities of radioactive materials are
adequate to contain the materials. Necessary action must be taken to assure that a yes answer can be given to each
question before use of the package for radioactive materials shipment.

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