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Page Title: General Packaging and Shipment Requirements (49 CFR 173.411)
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adequate to assure that, under normal transport conditions, the distance from the inner container or radioactive material
to the outside wall of the package remains within the limits on which the package design was based. Also, the radiation
dose rate outside the package must not exceed the transport index shown on the label. Inner shield closures must be
positively secured to prevent loss of the contents.
e. The packaging must be designed, constructed, and loaded so that, during transport:
(1) The heat the radioactive materials generate within the package will not, at any time, affect the efficiency
of the package under normal transport conditions, and
(2) The temperature of the accessible external surfaces of the package, when fully loaded, will not exceed
122 in the shade based on still air at ambient temperature. If the package is shipped in a transport vehicle consigned
for the sole use of the consignor, the maximum accessible external surface temperature shall be 180 .
f.  Pyrophoric materials, besides the packaging prescribed in this section, must also meet the packaging
requirements of 49 CFR 173.418. Pyrophoric radioactive liquids may not be shipped by air.
g. Liquid radioactive materials in Type A quantities must be packaged within a leak- and corrosion resistant
container vessel. Also:
(1) The packaging must be adequate to prevent loss or dispersal of the radioactive contents from the inner
container if the package were subjected to the 9-meter (30-foot) drop test prescribed in 49 CFR 173.463; and either
(2) Enough absorbent material must be provided to absorb at least twice the volume of radioactive liquid
contents.  The absorbent material may be located outside the radiation shield only if it can be shown that, if the
radioactive liquid contents were taken up by the absorbent material, the resultant dose rate at the surface of the package
would not exceed 1000 millirems per hour, or
(3) A secondary leak- and corrosion-resistant container must be provided to retain the radioactive contents
under the normal transport conditions prescribed in 49 CFR 173.412(n) based on the failure of the inner main container
h. The removable radioactive surface contamination on the exterior of the package must not be significant (para
i. Except for shipments described in j below, all radioactive materials must be packaged in suitable packaging
(shielded, if necessary) so that:
(1) At any time during the normal transport conditions, the radiation dose rate does not exceed 200 millirems
per hour at any point on the external surface of the package, and
(2) The transport index does not exceed 10.
j. Packages for which the radiation dose rate exceeds the limits in i above, but does not exceed, at any time during
transport, any of the limits specified in paragraph 3-4c, may be shipped in a transport vehicle (except aircraft) that has
been consigned as exclusive use (sole use). If such shipment is made, the carrier must provide the shipper with specific
instructions for maintaining the exclusive-use shipment controls. Such instructions must be included with the shipping
papers. Dose rate limits for such shipments are outlined in chapter 3 of this manual.
k. Packages consigned for export are also subject to the regulations of the foreign governments involved in the
shipment (see 49 CFR 174.473). (The regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are used by most
foreign governments.)
I. Before the first shipment of any package, the shipper shall determine, by examination or appropriate test, that:
(1) The packaging meets the specified quality of design and construction, and
(2) The effectiveness of the shielding and containment and, where necessary, the heat transfer
characteristics of the package are within the limits applicable to or specified for the package design.
m. Before each shipment of any package, the shipper shall ensure, by examination or appropriate test, that:
(1) The package is proper for the contents to be shipped.
(2) The packaging is unimpaired except for superficial marks.
(3) Each closure device of the packaging, including any required gasket, is properly installed and secured
and is free of defects.
(4) For a fissile material, any moderator and neutron absorber, if required, is present and in proper condition.
(5) Any special instructions for filling, closing, and preparing the package for shipment have been followed.
(6) Each closure, valve, and any other opening of the containment system through which the radioactive
content might escape is properly closed and sealed.
(7) Each package containing liquid in excess of a Type A quantity and destined for air shipment is tested to
show that it is leak tight under an ambient atmospheric pressure differential of at least 0.5 atmosphere (absolute) (7.3
psia or 0.5 kg/cm ); the test may be conducted on the entire containment system,

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