TM 55-2350-272-14
Figure 6-2. Blocking and tiedown on the M973 in a general cargo vessel.
b. Stowing in Barges. Figure 6-3 shows a typical loading arrangement for stowing M973's on a LASH barge for
transport on a barge-carrying ship. Loading and blocking and bracing must proceed from the outer areas of the barge
toward the center, which is loaded last. Since barge stability is noticeably affected by the loading of heavy items, the
M973's should be loaded symmetrically (front to rear as well as side to side) to keep the barge as level as possible at all
times. Variations in centers of gravity may be counterbalanced by loading vehicles alternately, facing forward and aft or
head to tail. Blocking should be installed as a separator between the tracks and barge bulkheads, between adjacent rows
of M973's, and at the front and rear of the tracks. The bracing timbers must be force- fitted (wedged) to the bulkhead
and to the blocking of adjacent vehicles. After the last M973 is loaded, any void area remaining in the center of the
barge must be filled by blocking and force-fitted bracing. Blocking and tiedown materials are listed in table 6-1.
Table 6-1. Bill of Materials for Blocking and Tiedown of the M973 in a General Cargo Vessel (Fig 6-2).
Douglas-fir or comparable, straight-grain, free from material defects;
Fed Spec MM-L-751:
2 x 4-inch
2 linear ft
4- x 6inch
100 linear ft
Common, steel; flathead, bright or cement-coated, type II, style 10;
Fed Spec FF-N-105: 40d
Wire rope
6 x 19 IWRC; improved plow steel; preformed, regular-lay; table X,
Fed Space RR-W-410: 1 -inch
50 ft
Wire rope, U-bolt clips, saddled, single-grip, forged steel, Crosby heavy-duty
or equal; Fed Spec FF-C-450: -inch
3/4- x 12-inch, eye and clevis type
Table 6-2. Application of Materials for Blocking and Tiedown of the M97s in a General Cargo Vessel (Fig 6-2).
Item No. Required
Side blocking. Each consists of 4- x 6 x 144-inch lumber. Locate one piece on each side of each
unit against the outside of the tracks. Butt the two pieces on each side in the middle between the
two units.
End blocking. Each consists of 4- x 6- x 84Winch lumber. Locate on top of Item A and against the
tracks at the front and rear of each unit. Toenail to Item A with four 40d nails at each end.
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