25 August 1988
TM 55-2320-280-14
Figure 7-5. Loading of HMMWV on bilevel railcars.
Table 7-3. Application of Chain Tiedowns for Securing HMMWVs on Bilevel Railcars (Fig. 7-5)
A ........ (Not shown)
This car is equipped with a brake lever on the side of the railcar. Laden on the
car deck with not interfere with brake lever operations.
B ........ 4 ea
Chain tiedown device, 3/8-inch, proof-tested to a minimum of 18,7000 pounds.
Attach one chain tiedown to each tiedown shackle in front and rear. Attach
hooks into an appropriately located link of each chain. Open hooks must be
secured with wire over the openings to prevent hooks from becoming disen-
gaged. Each chain is to be tightened to the proper tension by use of a ten-
sioning device applied with the car.
General Instructions
Shipper should specify cars equipped with tiedown devices in the quantities shown in item B when ordering
specialized railway equipment.
Load binders are not to be used as tensioning devices.
Vehicles must face in the same direction and be uniformly spaced along the length of the car to allow suffi-
cient space at each end of the car and between the vehicles for securement. Apply tiedowns parallel to
each other at the same end of the vehicle and from the vehicle shackle to the car tiedown facility. The an-
gle of the tiedown should be as close as possible to 45 degrees.
Tiedown chains must be checked for twisted or kinked links before they are applied to the vehicles.
Parking brakes must be set and wire tied.
Transmission selector lever must be placed in N (neutral) position and wire-tied or blocked.
7-9. General
The transportability guidance contained in this section is applicable to transporting HMMWVs on foreign rail-
ways. Consideration is given to single and multiple vehicle movement on the types of railcars normally used
for the movement of these vehicles. The vehicle, when loaded on suitable railcars to comply with the Gabarit
International de Chargement (GIC) (formerly Passe-Partout International (PPI)) railway gauge, can be trans-
ported without restriction within European countries; in most countries in the Middle East; and in South Amer-
ica, Australia, India, and Pakistan. In the Middle East and South America, the clearance varies by country, and
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