25 August 1988
TM 55-2320-280-14
a. Lighterage. When the HMMWVs are transported by lighterage to or from the vessel, blocking will be
required. When the vehicles are to be transported long distances or through rough waters, tiedowns must be
b. Securing. Requirements for securing HMMWVs aboard general cargo and barge-type vessels are es-
sentially the same. The wheels of the trucks are blocked in front, in rear, and on both sides; the vehicles will be
lashed with wire rope or chains to bulkheads, stanchions, or padeyes. Weld padeyes to the deck if D-ring or
deck tiedown fittings are not available. Figure 6-1 shows typical blocking and tiedown details. The bill and ap-
plication of materials are provided in tables 6-1 and 6-2, respectively.
Figure 6-1. Typical blocking and tiedown of HMMWV in general cargo vessel.
c. Stowage in SEABEE Barge and/or LASH Lighters. When the HMMWVs are to be transported by SEA-
BEE barge for a long distance or through rough waters, they will be blocked and tied down as shown in figure
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