![]() TM 55-1930-208-24
(7) Preheat bearings (2 and 1) in an oil bath or an oven to a maximum of 275 (135 ), press bearings (2
and 1) on shaft (8).
(8) Attach a sling and lifting device capable of lifting 150 lbs (68.10 Kg) and install assembled low speed shaft
in housing, making sure gears (14 and 4) teeth mesh.
(9) Install shim gasket (51) and cover (50) and secure with eight lockwashers (49) and eight bolts (48). Torque
bolts to 255 lb-in (29.02 Nm).
(10) Install shim gasket (47) and cover (46) and secure with eight lockwashers (45) and eight bolts (44). Torque
bolts to 255 lb-in (29.02 Nm).
(11) Install key (18) on shaft (16). Wrap shim stock around shaft and mount in vise.
(12) Preheat bevel pinion (17) in an oil bath or oven to a maximum of 275 (135 ), press bevel on shaft
(16)and secure with nut (15).
(13) Preheat bearings (20) in an oil bath or oven to a maximum of 275 (135 ), press bearings (20) and
slinger (21) on shaft (16).
(14) Install assembled high speed shaft in housing. Install shim gasket (23) and cover (22) and secure with
thirteen lockwashers (14) and thirteen bolts (18). Torque bolts to 640 lb-in (62.80 Nm).
(15) Install ring (12), seal (11), and cage (10) and secure with four bolts (9). Torque bolts to 255 lb-in (29.01
(16) Refer to figure 3-105 and measure the dimension from the toe of bevel pinion to the outside diameter of
the intermediate helical pinion or shaft. Record this value as (B).
Figure 3-105. Bevel Pinion Measurement.
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