TM 55-1930-208-24
3-22. INJECTOR, FUEL - Continued.
e. Inspection Continued.
(6) Inspect the plunger and bushing for scoring, erosion, chipping, or wear. Check for sharp edges
on the gear mating surface. Check the plunger and bushing for free movement.
(7) Inspect the nut and spray tip for cracks, nicks, burrs, erosion, or brinelling.
(8) Inspect the needle valve for wear and damage.
f. Repair. Repair is limited to the removal of burrs, the lapping of sealing surfaces, and the replacement
of defective parts.
g. Reassembly.
(1) Refer to figure 3-56 and install pin (23) in body (24), if removed.
(2) Install the rack (21) through the hole in the body. Slide the rack until you can see the drill marks
on the rack.
(3) Install gear (22) into the body, so that the drill mark on the gear is between the drill marks on the
rack (21).
(4) Place bushing (20) on top of gear. Align the locating pin on bushing (19) with the slot in the
injector body and slide the bushing (19) into place.
(5) Install disk (18), gage (17), spring (16), and seats (14 and 15).
(6) Install spray tip (13), spacer (12), new packing (11), and nut (10). Torque nut (10) to 75-85 lb-ft
(102-115 Nm).
(7) Install spring (9), plunger (8), and follower (7).
(8) Place pin (6) into position so the spring (9) rests on the flange of pin (6).
(9) Aline the slot in the follower (3) with the stop pin hole in the body (24).
(10) Aline the flat spot on the plunger with the slot in the follower.
(11) Insert the free end of the plunger (8) into the body (24). Press down on the follower (7) and at
the same time press the stop pin (6) into position. When in place, the spring (9) will hold the stop
pin (6) in position.
(12) Install the injector into the concentricity gage and check for total runout.
(13) If runout exceeds 0.008 inches, loosen injector nut and reposition spray tip. Retorque nut and
recheck runout.
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