TM 55-1905-223-24-7
The permeate is collected and salinity tested, then piped into the ship fresh water storage tanks. Brine concentrate is also
collected and piped overboard.
1-14. Quality Monitoring and Control. The water quality monitor (3, FIGURE 1-6, Sheet 1), is a solid state electronic
module which continuously monitors the product water quality via the signal received from the salinity probe sensor.
Increased salinity in the product water increases the conductivity of the water sample between the electrodes of the probe.
A set point is established in the circuitry connected to the probe so that when the conductivity of the product water drops to
the set point level, a holding voltage is applied to the diversion valve solenoid for delivery of the product water into the
ship's fresh water system. Increased salinity automatically deenergizes the valve so that the water is dumped via the brine
manifold. Red (low quality) and green (high quality) lamps on the monitor panel show the operator at a glance the
condition of the solenoid valve.
1-17/(1-18 blank)
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